유학·조기유학/뉴질랜드 조기유학

뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 보건과 안전 - 병원, 경찰 등 비상 연락처

Robin-Hugh 2013. 3. 2. 21:08

뉴질랜드는 여행, 방문하기 가장 안전한 나라 중의 하나다. 

비록 불의의 사고와 불행한 부상이 발생할 수 있지만 여행 중 사고로 인한 모든 상해는 ACC( Accident Compensation Corporation)에서 책임지고 있다.  하지만 개인 여행자 의료 보험 가입도 권한다. 

타우랑가에서도 현대적이고 세계적인 첨단 수준의 의료시설, 병원과 치료실, 24시간 응급 서비스, 구조 헬리콥터 등을 이용할 수 있고,  각 영역의 전문의, 치과의사 등도 많다. 


경찰도 24시간 시민들의 안전을 위해 활동하고 있다. 


Ambulance, fire and police  앱뷸런스, 화재, 경찰  긴급전화 111

Tauranga Hospital  (타우랑가 종합병원, 응급실) 
Cameron Road (between 17th and 18th Ave) 
Tel: + 64 7 579 8000

Accident and Healthcare (2nd Avenue Health Centre)  07 - 577 0010 
19 Second Avenue Tauranga

Palm Springs Medical Centre
3 Palm Springs Boulevard
Tel +64 7 542 1104

Central Med  
General Practice

8am–6pm Mon to Fri  (주 5일 ) 
Closed Sat, Sun & public holidays

Telephone: (07) 928 8000


434 Devonport Road
(Opposite Tauranga Boys College)

베이페어 닥터스 (Bayfair Doctors)  (07) 572 6800 , 주소 42 Girven Road Mount Maunganui 



Directory assistance

National 018
International 0172

Operator (교환 서비스) 

National 010
International 0170

Police Stations (경찰서)  
Tauranga Police StationTel: +64 7  577 4300
Mount Maunganui Police Station  Tel: +64 7  575 3143
Papamoa Police StationTel: +64 7  572 2440
Katikati Police Station Tel: +64 7  549 0004
Te Puke Police Station Tel : +64 7  573 9147


뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 여러 메디칼 센터 (GP) 정보  

Accident & Health Care (2번가) 
19 Second Ave
Tauranga 3140
Phone: 07 577 0010
Avenue 14 Medical Centre
178 14th Avenue (opp Caltex)
Phone: 07 578 5125
Bayfair Doctors
42 Girven Rd
Mount Maunganui 3116
Phone: 07 572 6800
Bethlehem Family Doctor
14 Elder Lane
Phone: 07 579 1248
Bethlehem Medical Centre
16 Bethlehem Rd
Phone: 07 576 4883
Brookfield Medical Centre
76 Bureta Road
Tauranga 3110
Phone: 07 576 7912
Cameron Medical Clinic
1360 Cameron Rd
Tauranga 3112
Phone: 07 578 2019
Centralmed Medical Centre
434 Devonport Road
Phone: 07 928 8000
Chadwick Healthcare
120 Chadwick Road
Phone: 07 579 0144
Dee Street Medical Centre
4 Dee St
Mount Maunganui 3116
Phone: 07 575 4057
Dr Alan Farnell
Pain & Palliative Medicine Specialist. Phone for appointment.
Suite 8, Promed House
71 10th Ave
Tauranga 3110
Phone: 027 544 1446
Farm St Family Health Centre
47 Farm Street
Mount Maunganui 3116
Phone: 07 575 4001
Fifth Ave Family Practice
40 Fifth Ave
Tauranga 3110
Phone: 07 578 7087
Gate Pa Medical Centre
1005 Cameron Rd
Tauranga 3112
Phone: 07 578 4309
Girven Road Medical Centre
83 Girven Road
Mount Maunganui
Phone: 07 575 5009
Greerton Health
109 Chadwick Road
Tauranga 3112
PO Box 3226
Phone: 07 578 3906
Hairini Family Health Centre
29a Hairini Street
Tauranga 3112
Phone: 07 544 6234
Mount Medical Centre
257 Maunganui Road
Mount Maunganui 3116
Phone: 07 575 3073
Omokoroa Medical Centre
170 Omokoroa Road
Tauranga, 3172
Phone: 07 548 0169
Otumoetai Health Centre
506 Otumoetai Road
PO Box 8101
Phone: 07 576 2321
Palm Springs Medical Centre
3 Palm Springs Bvd
Papamoa 3118
Phone: 07 542 1104
Papamoa Doctors
26 Gravatt Rd
Phone: 07 572 6002
Papamoa Pines Medical Centre
53 Domain Road
Papamoa 3118
Phone: 07 542 2450
Pirirakau Hauora
Kaupapa Maori Health GP service
3 Lochhead Rd / RD 6
Te Puna
Phone: 07 552 4573
South City Medical Centre
398 Cameron Road
Tauranga 3110
Phone: 07 578 6808
Tauranga Moana City Clinic
53 Courtney Road
Gate Pa
Phone: 07 571 2017
Te Akau Hauora
95a Hartford Ave
Papamoa 3118
Phone: 07 574 9830
Te Whare Hauora o Ngatai Kahu 2000 Soc Inc
69 Carmicheal Road
Phone: 07 576 0160
Waipu Hauora
Kaumatua/Kuria program. Mirimiri sessions. Respiratory/Podiatry/Nutrition/Diabetes services. G P Clinic. Registered clients only
24 Hungahungatoroa Road
RD 5 Matapihi
Tauranga 3112
PO Box 10021
Tauranga 3152
Phone: 07 577 1921
Welcome Bay Medical Centre
2 Awanui Place
Tauranga 3112
Welcome Bay
Phone: 07 928 0962

뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 전문의 (치과, 안과, 사립병원 등) 

1. Grace Hospital   (수술 및 전문의 ) 


281 Cheyne Road, Oropi, Tauranga 3112
PO Box 2320, Tauranga 3140
Phone: 07 578 4004
Fax: 07 578 5907

email: info@gracehospital.co.nz
web: www.gracehospital.co.nz  
