Business Migrant Scheme Revamped |
Hon Gerry Brownlee -Minister of Economic Development
Hon Jonathan Coleman - Minister of Immigration
Business Migrant Scheme Revamped
The Government’s new business migration scheme launched today aims to boost economic performance by making New Zealand more attractive for business and entrepreneurial migrants.
Attracting the right business migrants was identified as a high priority initiative at the recent Job Summit and the new government scheme has been announced by Economic Development Minister Gerry Brownlee and Immigration Minister Dr Jonathan Coleman.
This fresh approach will ensure we bring more investors, connect them with existing business networks, and create real jobs for New Zealanders,” said Economic Development Minister Gerry Brownlee.
Announcing the new policy, Dr Coleman said that since 2005 there has been a significant drop off in business migration investment due to unrealistic investment expectations and English language requirements.
The new policy package is designed for migrants who want to invest or set up a business in New Zealand and gain permanent residence.
“For investor migrants the previously existing three categories are streamlined to two, with more realistic requirements for capital, language skills and time spent in New Zealand annually, as well as a far greater flexibility in terms of investment vehicles,” said Dr Coleman.
For entrepreneurial migrants the new policy introduces a new Entrepreneur Plus category which complements the existing Entrepreneur category. Entrepreneur Plus offers a faster path to residence for applicants who create at least 3 fulltime jobs and invest $500,000 in their business.
“The last government’s business migration policies have not attracted investment. Since 2007, there have only been 23 migrants bought to New Zealand through Labour’s business migration policy. Business migration needs to be urgently addressed, and stakeholders’ feedback has been extremely positive regarding this new package,” said Dr Coleman.
Jeremy Moon, the CEO of Icebreaker Clothing was a chair at the Prime Minister’s Job Summit, and says the scheme is a “win win”.
“Business leaders suggested this idea during the Job Summit as something that could be highly effective for little cost. I back the idea because the more investment and entrepreneurship we can get in New Zealand the better, “said Mr Moon.
The new Investor policy will be implemented from 28 July 2009 and the Entrepreneur Policy from November 2009.
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APPENDIX: Summary of Requirements
1. Investor Policy:
New Policy: 신 투자이민법
Investor Plus | Investor | |
Investment capital | $10M for 3 years | $1.5M for 4 years |
Min. settlement funds | None | $1M |
Min. English language | None | IELTS 3* |
Max. age | None | Up to 65 |
Min. business experience | None | 3 years |
Min. time required in NZ | 20% every year | 40% every year |
* Principal Investor applicants with IELTS 3 must complete additional English language tuition (20 hours), as part of their residence conditions. IELTS3 을 증명한 주 신청자는 반드시 추가로 영주권 신청시에 20시간의 영어 수업을 받아야 된다.
Old Policy:
Global Investor Category |
Professional Investor Category |
General (Active) Investor Category | |
Investment capital | $20M for 4 years | $10M for 4 years | $2.5M for 4 years |
Min. business experience | 4 years | 4 years | 4 years |
Max. age | None | Up to 64 | Up to 54 |
Min. English language | None | IELTS 4 | IELTS 5 |
Min. settlement funds | None | None | $1M |
Min. time required in NZ | 20% every year | 30% every year | 40% every year |
2. Entrepreneur Policy: 신 기업이민법
Entrepreneur (current) | Entrepreneur Plus (additional from 28/07/09) | |
Investment capital | None | $0.5M (최소 50만불의 투자금 요구) |
Job creation | No minimum requirement | Minimum 3 FTEs (3명의 풀타임 직원 고용) |
Min. settlement funds | Enough to support self | Enough to support self (본인의 정착 자금) |
Min. English language | IELTS 4 | IELTS 4 (영어점수는 그대로 IELTS 4) |
Max. age | None | None (나이 제한 없슴) |
Min. business experience | Business experience relevant to business plan |
Business experience relevant to business plan 사업과 연관된 사업 경력 필수 |
Min. time required in NZ | Enough to support business |
Enough to support business 비지니스 경영에 필요한 체류 기간 요구 |
Length of time to residence | Residence available after 24 months |
Conditional residence available once requirements met (기존 2년의 사업 실적이 아닌, 위 요구 조건에 맞으면 영주권 신청 가능)
There will be a new definition for ‘creating employment’ to ensure that migrants who claim to create employment are not just creating jobs for family members. Under the old policy, we couldn’t prioritise top entrepreneurs. The new Entrepreneur Plus category provides a faster path to residence for higher value entrepreneurs who can create more jobs.
* "3명의 풀타임 직원 고용" 부문에 대해서는 보다 명확한 규정이 곧 발표될 예정.
즉, 가족들을 고용하는 것은 풀타임 고용으로 해석되지 않을 것이며,
보다 많은 직원을 채용할수록 우선적으로 기업이민 혜택을 주게 될 것이다.
3. IELTS – scale for measuring English language ability, graded in bands 1 (non-user) – 9 (expert)
IELTS 5 – copes with overall meaning in most situations.
IELTS 4 – basic competence limited to familiar situations.
IELTS 3 – conveys and understands only general meaning in familiar situations
다음은 TVNZ에서 보도한 기사 내용 전문입니다.
Business migrant rules relaxed
Rich investors and entrepreneurs will find it easier to get residency in New Zealand following the government's decision to relax business migrant rules.
Now investors with $10 million could get residency in three years without any English skills or business experience and no age limit. They have to remain in the country for 20% of every year.
(한화로 약 80억을 3년간 뉴질랜드에 투자할 경우 영어 점수도 필요없고, 사업경력이 없어도 되며, 나이제한도 없앴다.
연중 20%만 뉴질랜드에 체류해도 영주권을 받을 수 있다)
The similar criteria previously required $20 million for four years with four years business experience.
Investors willing to invest $1.5 million will also get residency though they have to meet language, age, and business experience.
These are set at a lower threshold than previously.
They will also have to remain in the country 40% of every year and have $1 million in settlement funds.
The latter category will be capped at 300 places. There will be no cap on the number of people who could qualify under the $10m category.
(1.5밀리언 투자에, 영어점수 IELTS 3 을 요구하는 투자이민 경우 연간 최대 300명까지만 영주권을 발급할 방침이다)
(뉴질랜드 1.5 밀리언달러면 요즘 환율상 한화 약 12억)
A new entrepreneur category will also be created which allows applicants to meet residency requirements more quickly once they have invested $500,000 and created three jobs.
Economic Development Minister Gerry Brownlee says the changes were needed as New Zealand was missing out on the capital and skills needed to create jobs and wealth.
Immigration Minister Jonathan Coleman says since 2007 only 23 people had entered the country under the old business migration policy.
There had been only three applicants under the old $20m investment category, though one of them had invested $120m.
Since 2005 there had been a significant drop off in business migration investment due to unrealistic investment expectations and English language requirements.
Coleman says he has no crystal ball about how many people might come in and how much money they might bring with them.
He did not think there would be a flood of immigrants due to the "tweaking" of the rules as New Zealand was competing with other countries for these people.
It was clear that the thresholds had been too high because of the lack of applicants.
There would also be rules and monitoring to ensure money was invested and not just put in a bank account or spent on residential property.
The policy changes would be reviewed after 12 months.
Green MP Keith Locke says people should not be able to buy New Zealand residency just because they were rich and not dedicated to the country.
Brownlee says such as stance was ridiculous as New Zealand had been reliant on business immigration since colonisation.
Investment management specialist Tim Howe of Ocean Partners says the changes would go some way to enticing wealthy investors to New Zealand.
While New Zealand rated well from a quality of life perspective the overall proposition for investors thinking about New Zealand had not been strong enough previously, he says.
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