
Tauranga Korean Times

Robin-Hugh 2010. 11. 19. 03:10


Tauranga Korean Times Ltd

(뉴질랜드 타우랑가 신문사)


Description of our commitment and jobs


We would like to summarize our agency commitment and jobs that can be offered to your school.

We have had 3 online websites for promoting and marketing our city and BOP region in Korean for 6 years:  Tauranga Korean Times (www.nztgatimes.com),

        on-line community (http://cafe.daum.net/tauranga33),

        web blog (http://blog.naver.com/ht0324)


We have been recruiting international students to Tauranga and promoting Tauranga city as the best place to live, play and study English.

With consistent efforts put into our websites and regular updating pictures, information in Korean, Tauranga has become well known city to Korea and the number of international students coming here has steadily increased. Currently we have over 70 families with 130 fee paying students coming through Tauranga Korean Times Ltd  and we expect around 100 families and 200 students in 2011.


As an agency recruiting Korean students intending to study in Tauranga,

we pledge to: 


l  Promote TGA schools within Korea by developing promotional and recruiting resources such as brochures, websites, exhibition stalls and attending education Expo. Provide correct information about schools in NZ to parents in Korea.  

l  Assist in applying for students and parents’ visa applications and their medical insurances including medical claim process

l  Provide translation services for the school website, CD ROMs, brochures and any other promotional materials at school

l  Bring parents’ participation and support into the school community through school festivals & events aiming for sharing international culture with school community.

l  Provide interpreters for parents and teachers’ conference at schools in a regular basis

l  Provide a 24 hours / 7 days emergency contact person for the student

l  Deal with Ethical conduct problems with parents and communicate between schools and parents.

l  Collect information from students on behalf of the school such as necessary application forms, reports, testimonials, financial guarantee letters, and other documents requested by the school and transmit them to the school

l  Help Korean students and parents read and understand the NZ Ministry of Education’s Code of Practice of international students

l  Act as a local consultancy providing ongoing support for Korean families to settle well in Tauranga emotionally and physically. We are a local agency providing a personal and friendly service to both schools and Korean families. Because we are local, we can offer a very timely and efficient service at your right door step.

l  Award Scholarship and trophies for 10 outstanding Korean students attending each school in Tauranga every year

l  Offer total settlement service which includes such things as finding accommodations, buying a car, assisting with banking & finance, arranging private tuitions and small group tuitions after school in our office, and frequent weekend group outings & trips

l  Provide our agency’s website banner to the school website under mutual agreement: some school have already started to put on our company logo on their schools’ website as the token of the priority of agency. Please consider this way to make school administration work efficient and unify recruiting channels.

l  Act as a caregiver for Korean students coming to NZ without parents, cultural exchange students and short term students (10 -20 people), providing ongoing support for the whole period time. Guardianship is provided for the parents in Korea, if it is requested.

l  Find sister schools from Korea, if the school can host them.


We’re handy and close by your school in Tauranga. Please feel free to contact us at any case, any time when our cooperation is needed. We are very delighted to work  by your side and hope to keep our good relationship as close as we can.


Tauranga Korean times Ltd,  Publish Weekly news letter and update daily the homepage on the website.

l  Advertise business and assist various events for residents’ interest and wellbeing. 

l  Help Korean community to organize Koreans’ day and Korean society.

l  Operate Korean library and information centre for New Zealanders

l  Offer advertising to Korean businesses within a business directory on the website.

l  Assist with disputes and civil complaint  process.

l  Provide information about NZ lifestyle  

l  Provide information about mortgages, rear Estate investment

l  Assist with marketing New Zealand/Tauranga business to Korea.

l  Recruiting English teachers who wish to work in Korea

l  Provide Korean families with Homestay and accommodation.

Tauranga Education Consultancy  

l  Act as Korean agency to carry out the registration of students’ applications.

l  Provide services for people seeking English education overseas.

l  Offer and organize short term English camps.

l  Provide total family settlement service.

l  Act as a guardian for Korean students coming to NZ without Parents.

l  Carry out Consultation and Registration of language school and polytechnic.

l  Assist in applying for students' visa applications and their medical insurances including medical claim process.


l  Provide interpreters for parents’ conference at schools & meetings on a regular basis.

      l  Provide frequent weekend group outings & trips and support women’s golf event.

      l  Award Scholarship and trophies for 10 Korean students among schools in Tauranga every year.

      l  Organize off season training and studying of golf in NZ.

      l  Provide accommodation and temporary jobs for people with working holiday visa.


English institute for Korean students -

l  Operate a variety of classes each term in the office

l  Run holiday programme for Korean students.

l  Guide study methods to maximize the effect of English learning.

l  Provide experienced, qualified tutors to teach English to international students.

l  Provide golf classes, horse riding, swimming and the New Zealand lifestyle and cultural experience.

l  Operate free English classes and run workshops for students’ parents.


<타우랑가신문사 회사 구조와 장기 비전>  

         타우랑가 신문사

   (Tauranga Korean Times)

      영어.수학 학원

 (English & Maths  Institute)  

      타우랑가 유학원

   (TGA Education Conslting)

격주 정기 신문 발행,

인터넷 홈페이지 활성화 


교민 권익과 복지

향상 각종 사업 진행


한인의 날, 한인회 설립

커뮤니티 조직 활동 

업소록 ,교민록 발행


각종 민원, 고충 상담

이민 생활 정보 제공

공용 컴퓨터 인터넷 무료


광고 접수무료 배포


주택 모기지 알선, 

부동산 중개업,각종 투자 상담


방문자, 워킹홀리데이

현지 정착 생활 지원


▶ 한국 도서관 및 정보관 운영


  ▶ 매년 우수 학생 장학금 시상

매 학기별 각종

강좌 운영


다양한 방학 특강 개설


학습효과 극대화 위한

학습 방법 지도


진학 상담 및 지도


바른 인성과 가치관 함양


평생 교육의 뿌리 배양


자랑스런 한국인,

 세계의 동량으로 육성


유명 강사 지속초빙으로

최고 명문 학원 완성


골프교실, 승마교실


어머님들의 음악, 미술  

품앗이 교실 지원



뉴질랜드 전 지역 

학교, 어학원 입학 수속 대행


조기유학과 어학연수


단기 영어 캠프


현지 정착 서비스


토탈케어 가디언 업무


각종 비자 업무,

 유학생 보험 대행


       ▶와이카토 대학교,

폴리텍 입학 상담


골프 유학 및 전지훈련


워킹 홀리데이 

일자리, 숙소 정보 제공


 ▶가족 회원제 서비스 운영.

   정기 야외 체험과 견학   




Contact Us (연락처) :

Address: 355 Devonport Road Tauranga  New Zealand


Phone:   + 64 7 571 0488,   + 64 7 578 4671

Fax: + 64 7 571 0733 


24hrs mobile phone: + 64 27 664 5408


상담 전화 : 070 8241 4671


이메일:  editor@nztgatimes.com