유학·조기유학/뉴질랜드 조기유학

타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 최근 소식

Robin-Hugh 2008. 8. 26. 20:49

<타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 - 뉴질랜드 교육부 감사(국제 학생부 관련) 보고서>

 Education Review Office (ERO) visit – final report

As part of the Education Review of the school earlier this year, ERO evaluated the extent to which the International Department meets the requirements of the Code of Practice, as well as our provision of language support for International Students. Thank you, once again, to the Homestays that were reviewed as part of this process.


Below is the full report for International:


Tauranga Boys' College is a signatory to the Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of International Students (the Code) established under section 238F of the Education Act 1989. This is a requirement of all schools that enrol international students in terms of the Act. Schools are also required to provide English language support for their international students.


There are currently twenty-two international students on the roll. The school complies with all aspects of the Code. (현재 22명의 국제 학생- 브라질,독일 등이 재학중에 있으며 교육부의 유학생 관리 규범을 우수하게 실천하고 있습니다)


Areas of good performance


Administrative systems and compliance: The recently appointed Director of International Students has developed a comprehensive strategic plan that underpins direction and guidance for the department. A cohesive and supportive department management team provides parents, caregivers and students with good information about the school. The director reports to the board of trustees and principal to keep them informed about student programmes, resourcing

needs and budget requirements.

(새로 부임된 국제학생부 디렉터의 업적이 우수하고, 유학생부를 잘 관리 운영하고 있습니다. 관리팀의 조직적이며 상호 협력적인 업무로 학부모와 홈스테이 부모, 그릭 학생들에게 학교 관련 정보를 잘 전달하고 있으며, 학교 운영위원회와 교장간 유기적으로 협조, 학생 관리 프로그램과 필요한 교육자료, 예산 책정 등을 효과적으로 조율하고 있습니다) 


Pastoral care: Students receive high quality pastoral care in a supportive environment. A kitchen, lounge and classroom facilities are available to students during school break times. The director, dean, home-stay manager and staff meet weekly to discuss the progress and wellbeing of students. Students report that they are well supported by readily available staff.


(학생들에게 만족스런 학교 생활 환경을 제공하고 있습니다.  학생들의 건강과 복지를 위해 노력하고 있으며 학생들의 반응도 항상 준비된 선생님들로부터 훌륭한 지원을 지속적으로 받고 있다는 평가)


Home-stay arrangements: The home-stay manager provides effective support for both home-stay providers and students in their care. She visits home-stay providers in accordance with code requirements and ensures they receive relevant information about various activities and provisions for international students. Some home-stay providers are very experienced and continue to maintain family connections. Emergency temporary accommodation is available. The manager maintains close links and has good knowledge of both students and home-stay families.


English language support: Entry assessment data of English language is used by English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) teachers to inform the placement of students according to their levels of competence. Foundation classes for beginning and intermediate students and those within mainstream classes assists students to become more confident and improve their understanding in oral and written language. Students are closely monitored as they progress

and frequently tested to assess their ability. The ESOL programme includes opportunities to study for English language unit standards from the New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF). Students participating in these programmes are making good progress with their English language learning.


(입학 당시의 영어 수준 평가는 ESOL 선생님들이 잘 수행하고 잇으며, 준비 과정과 메인스트림 학생들에게도 구어, 문어에 대한 이해력 증진과 실력 향상을 위해 노력하고 있다. 학생들의 성적을 매우 자주, 또 심도있게 평가되고 있으며 이런 ESOL 프로그램을 통해 NZQA 영어 학점을 따는 것까지 포함하고 있다.  이런 프로그램을 통해 학생들은 영어 학력이 계속 발전하고 있다.)


Cross-cultural awareness: International students are successfully integrated into the life of the school. Cross-cultural training is provided for home-stay providers and staff. New teachers are provided with information to increase their awareness and understanding in providing for the learning of international students. Students take advantage of the many academic, sporting, cultural and leadership programmes offered in the school and develop good friendships with

fellow students and their home-stay families.


이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.


<타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 최근 소식>

NZ Speech Board Examinations (뉴질랜드 스피치 경연)

Congratulations to all 29 students (Internationals & recent Immigrants) who took part in the NZ Speech Board exams held on 14th & 15th August. There were 9 Distinctions, 15 Merits & 5 at Pass level – a superb range of results. 

 * 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지에서 열린 스피치 대회 성적 -  재희도 탁월한 성적으로 "Distiction" 기록!!!


International Student Ski Trip – Tuesday 2 September – Thursday 4 September

A compulsory 3-day ski trip has been planned for all International Students. Details are attached.

The cost of the ski trip will be deducted from each student’s personal expense account.

Please help to ensure that the reply slips are returned by Wednesday 27 August.


* 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지에서 유학중인 학생들이 9월2일부터 4일까지 타우포 루하페후산으로 스키 투어 갑니다.