뉴질랜드 여행·골프/뉴질랜드 여행

와이히 아센리의 B&B Willownbark Ranch - 해변 승마 트레킹도 가능

Robin-Hugh 2008. 8. 1. 00:47


이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.


이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.


Located in Athenree, Willowbark Ranch is the perfect place to relax and unwind. Our 18 acre park like property boundaries a wildlife refuge, has cows, horses, sheep, pig and ducks.

The house is new and purpose built as a B&B. Two spacious self contained private units including bedroom, ensuite, lounge and kitchen. Upstairs unit has bedroom, lounge, kitchen and bathroom with clawfoot bath and balcony with views of the estuary and Pacific Ocean. There is also 1 room downstairs with single beds. Rooms have a fridge, microwave, cooker, TV and DVD player.

Continental breakfast is provided on a self help basis. Families are welcome.

(아침식사는 부엌이 딸린 자신들의 방에서 직접 해드실 수 있도록 준비해줍니다. 가족들도 환영)

We encourage our guests to wander around the farm to feed the ducks and meet our animals.

(손님들의 목장 내를 산책하며 소, 오리, 돼지, 양 등에게 먹이를 먹일 수 있다. 야생 조류도 많이 볼 수 있다)

We offer a 1 1/2 hour horse trek, riding from our property onto the estuary and across to Waihi Beach for $30 pp.


(90분짜리 와이히 해변의 승마 트레킹은 1인당 $30, 10세 이상에게만 권유하지만, 어린이들을 위해서 가이드가 앞에서 끈을 잡고 끌어주기도 해줍니다)  

This ride may not be suitable for everyone and only children 10 years up. Owners' discretion will apply. Lead rein rides around the farm could be an option for nervous riders and younger children.

와이히 해변가의 아센리의 미네랄 핫풀도 5분 거리.

Waihi Beach and Athenree hot pools are a 5 min drive away, Auckland 2hrs, Hamilton 1.5 hours and Tauranga 45 mins. Waihi Beach is a great place to explore with a beautiful beach, bush walks, cafes and restaraunts.


Willowbark Ranch,
133 Koutunui Road
3177 Athenree
Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Main phone: +64 (7) 863-4282


2인 1박당 $100 - $150


Haere Mai (welcome,안녕하세요?)

Your hosts Shona and Neil welcome you to come and share an experience with us.


Our small farm is situated on the East Coast of the North Island, New Zealand. We live in a small beach settlement called Athenree where 519 permanent residents live.


와이히 가기 전 오른쪽의 아센리(Athenree)라는 작은 마을에 위치한 Bed & Breakfast 숙박업소입니다.

타우랑가에서 약 30분 거리.

Waihi Beach is 13 kms long and is only a 5 minute drive away. You will be treated with more breathtaking views with Mayor Islands in the background.


For those of you who would like to ride a horse along the Pacific Ocean, Willowbark Ranch offers 1 ½ hours of magic.


Willowbark Ranch is our dream; it is 18 acres of peaceful bliss. We have cows and calves, horses, sheep, ducks, cats, dogs and Rangi the pig.


A BBQ is available to all guests and off street parking. 이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.