뉴질랜드 살아가기/뉴질랜드 이민·비자

뉴질랜드 slang - 공부합시다!

Robin-Hugh 2007. 1. 13. 11:28

Aussie - Australian
across the ditch - Australia
banger - sausage
bach - small holiday home
biscuit - cookie
bloke - man
bob's your uncle - Just like that. Done.
bonnet - car hood
boot - car trunk
brassed off - disappointed, annoyed
bugger - Damn! Nice swear word
bugger all - not a lot
buggered - exhausted
bush - forest
carked it - died
chemist - Pharmacy
chilly bin: polystyrene insulated box
chips - French fries
chippie - potato chip
chippy - carpenter
chocka - choc-a-block, full
cocky - cow-cocky, dairy farmer.
chook - chicken
college - high school
corker - Great
cow - unpleasant women
crib - Southland bach
crook - sick, poorly
cuppa - cup of tea
dag - humorous person
dairy - mini supermarket / convenience store
dear - expensive
dole - unemployment benefit
dreaded lurgy - cold or flu
ding - minor accident, car damage
gander - take a look
godzone - New Zealand
flat stick or flat tack: fast as possible
flog - steal
fortnight - two consecutive weeks
full tit - as much power as possible
good as gold - well done, not a problem
half pie - half heartedly, poorly performed
hangi - traditional Maori earth oven
hard case: joker, comedian, witty person
hard yakka - hard work
heaps - a lot
hooray - goodbye
hottie - hot water bottle

jack up - to arrange something
jelly - jello
jersey - sweater
jumper - sweater also
kai - food, from the Maori word for eating
Kiwi - New Zealander
kiwi - NZ flightless native bird
kiwifruit - chinese gooseberry
kick the bucket - die
knackered - stuffed, exhausted
kneeknocker - small child
ladies a plate - please bring a dish of food to share
long drop - outdoor toilet built over hole in ground
mate - buddy, close friend
metal road - a gravel road surface
milo - hot chocolate drink
motorway - freeway
nana: grandmother
nappy - diaper
oe. - (acronym) Overseas Experience
oz - Australia
pakeha - non-Maori person
pav - pavlova, a dessert
piece-of-piss - easy
piss up - party, social gathering
prang - more major car accident
pudding - dessert
pushing up daisies - dead/buried
rellies - relatives, family
rough as guts - unpolished
rubbish -trash/garbage
scone - a small cake
shark and taties - fish and chips
she'll be right - everything will be OK
sickie - sick day off work when not sick
smoko - break, rest period
sparkie - electrician
sticking plaster - band-aid
stuffed - tired, exhausted
sucked the kumera - died
sunnies - sunglasses
suss - figure something out
tiki tour - scenic tour, roundabout way
tin-arse, tinbum - lucky person
togs - swimsuit
ute - utility vehicle, small pickup truck
whinge - complain
wobbly - throw a tantrum
wopwops - isolated area of land
yonks - a long time