뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 준사립 크리스찬 스쿨인 베들레헴 칼리지의 뉴스레터중에서
선교 봉사활동 (Mission Trips 2015)
7월 겨울방학 중에 솔로몬섬으로 선교, 봉사활동을 하러 가는 12명의 학생들 모집합니다.
Year12- Year13 학생들 중에서 의견서를 제출하면 학교에서 선발합니다만 선착순으로 접수,마감됩니다.
Solomon Islands Mission Trip Update 2015. If you have sensed a conviction to explore a Service Opportunity trip, then read on. The school will be sending a team of 12 students and 3 teachers to serve in the Solomon Islands during the July holidays.
Student Selection: The trip is open to Year 12-13 students. Students who are interested should collect an expression of Interest Form from the school office (or request an email copy from Mrs Lynn Lee). All applications will be dealt with on first come first served basis and the final selection will be made the by team leaders once applications have been processed and the final selection made students will be informed.
Cost. Final costings have not been calculated at this time but are not expected to exceed $2,800 (that covers all costs except passport, visas, if necessary, vaccinations, and discretionary spending money).
For further information please check the School website. http://www.beth.school.nz/bethlehem-college/shaping-the-moral/the-solomans/
Enquires should be directed to Mrs Lynn Lee / Mr Philip Russell (contact details l.lee@beth.school.nz / p.russell@beth.school.nz)
클래식 기타 레슨
Classical Guitar lessons : 8세 이상의 학생이면 누구나 신청 가능.
Students 8 years old and over, Classical Guitar lessons will be starting this MONDAY, 16th February. Trinity Exams optional.
Please phone Hedley Timbs on 578 2628 or 021-261-9914. You can also email him htimbs@taurangaguitar.co.nz.
Year9- Year13 학생들의 음악 활동 (합창반, 재즈, 콘서트밴드, 오케스트라 등)은
1학기 2주차부터 시작합니다.
Are you involved in a music group yet? Secondary Music groups including yr9-13 choirs, jazz and concert bands and Orchestra commence in week 2.
Itinerant music lessons also start in week 2. Information about how to start lessons and all you need to know about groups can be found in the yellow links at the foot of the BC homepage.
뉴질랜드 베들레헴 칼리지의 음악, 악기 과외 레슨교사 정보
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캠프 떠나는 그린파크 초등학교 학생들 (0) | 2015.02.25 |
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뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 셀윈릿지 초등학교에서 유학 시작하는 시현이 (1부) (0) | 2015.02.20 |
타우랑가의 그린파크 초등학교 유학생들 생활 (0) | 2015.02.20 |