유학·조기유학/뉴질랜드 조기유학

뉴질랜드 학교의 여름 시즌 스포츠 클럽활동 선택해야

Robin-Hugh 2012. 9. 21. 06:28

뉴질랜드 타우랑가에 위치한 타우랑가 인터미디어트 학교에서 진행되는 각종 스포츠 종목 입니다.  

겨울시즌이 끝나고 10월부터 시작되는 여름 학기 (텀4와  내년 텀1) 동안 아래 종목의 스포츠에 참가 가능합니다. 


다른 학교에서도 이제 겨울 스포츠 시즌이 끝나가면서 .. 텀4와 텀1 (여름시즌)동안 진행되는 각종 스포츠 클럽 활동

안내문을 각 가정으로 배부하고 있습니다. 


 일부 종목은 인원 제한이 있습니다. 또 레벨테스트 등이 있기도 합니다. 


자녀들과 의논해서  학교로 신청서를 접수시키면 됩니다.  

궁금하신 것은 사무실로 전화  571 0488


운동도 열심히 하고, 공부도 열심히 하고... 

무엇보다 뉴질랜드 학교 친구들과 함께 어울려 단체활동, 스포츠 클럽 활동을 통해 (친구 사귀고, 영어도 늘리고 )

조기유학 기간 동안 제대로  보람차고 즐거운  뉴질랜드 학교 생활이 되길 바랍니다.




CRICKET (크리켓)  --- 뉴질랜드 전국 챔피언 학교입니다.  총4개 팀이 운영됩니다.   
Games are held in the local area but may require travelling north as far as Katikati or south to Pongakawa but quite often locally at School/Waipuna Park.  Coaching will be organised at school by us (and some willing parents).
We usually enter 4 teams in the higher Premier Grade and 3 in the Reserve Grade.
Teams are 8 aside. We require parental assistance to manage, umpire and score – ideally at least three adults per team. If we are not fortunate to have adult assistance we may have to cut back the number of teams we field in the competition.
Tauranga Junior Cricket Association require details of players birth date, address, contact
phone numbers and parents names for their database.

WATERPOLO - 워터폴로(수구)에도 수준별로 3개 팀이 편성됩니다. 
There are three grades, ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’. A & B Grades – being the more experienced players compete on Tuesday evenings. Based on our numbers during Term 1, this season we will look to field 1 A Grade Team, 1 B Grade team and all other players will compete in the C grade play on Friday nights.

The games are played in the dive pool at the Polytec Windermere.

All teams are mixed gender at this age group. New players are most welcome and will play in the ‘C’ Grade Competition. Please note your child must be able to tread water unassisted for at least 5 minutes in the deep pool.

Team members will need appropriate swimming gear only. Organisers will  supply all the waterpolo equipment, referees etc. Each team must have a parent as the team coach or manager. The fee covers pool entry, use of
gear and referees. Most teams will want at least 10 players. Seven team
members play at once but as the game is tiring it is a good idea to have at least 3 others
to substitute when you wish.

Those students who played waterpolo during term 1 will be graded based on their performance and feedback from coaches. It will be more difficult to grade new players ,so please provide as much information as possible.

VOLLEYBALL - KIWI LEAGUE  (배구)  - 매주 목요일 방과후 학교 체육관에서
We will run our own Kiwi Volleyball League competition in our gym on a Thursday after school.

Games will be 25 minutes long and we will cater for a maximum of 20 teams playing at 3.15pm and 3.45pm. The competition runs  for 7 weeks commencing Thursday 25th October and finishes 6th December.
The cost is $15.00 per player.
Teams can comprise of any mix of students. They can be same or mixed genders and/or same or mixed year groups. There are 4 players on the court at one time and you will also need at least 1 or 2 substitutes. Ideal team size is 6 players. There will be no throwing and catching in this competition.

The students have been asked to organise themselves into teams before Tuesday 16 October. Each team will have a special envelope that is given to the Captain who will collect each team members return slip and money. Please help the captains to get this  job done efficiently so that all of the envelopes are returned to the Sport Office by due
date or preferably as soon as possible. Each team also needs an adult to help oversee
the organisation and supervision. Students will require picking up from school after their

More experienced players can enter into the Super League 6-aside Competition which is held at TECT Arena Baypark. A new initiative this year, is an A Grade Competition on Tuesday evenings and B Grade is Fridays. In the past we have entered approx. 10 teams into the Super League competition and I would envisage only 2 or 3 of them would be of
the A Grade standard. The competitions commence the week of 22 October and runs for 7 weeks.

Teams will require at least 8 players and games are usually between 4.30 -
8.10pm. Cost is $20 per player. The same format for putting teams together is the same as

KIWI TAG  (키위태그 럭비) - 참가비 $10
Kiwi Tag is played at Waipuna Park Welcome Bay on Tuesdays from 4.30pm – 6.30pm commencing 23 October.

Games are 30 minutes. It is played with no more than 8 players on the field (with up to 4 substitutes that can rotate in at any time) All equipment is supplied – players will be issued with a suitable school sports uniform and will require footwear. Each Team requires a Parent Manager/Coach. Students will be given the opportunity to put teams together.

Cost is $10 per player.

TOUCH RUGBY  (터치 럭비) - 수요일 방과후 

Touch Rugby is played at Tauranga Domain on a Wednesday after School commencing 17 October - 12 December.

Games are played between 4.00pm - 5.30pm. Teams are mixed gender - you must have 7 players on at
once (at least 3 girls) Players will need to make their own way to the Domain and have arranged transport home. Each team must supply their own team manager and referee. Please indicate on the slip below whether you
could referee or manage your child’s team. Students will be given an opportunity to
form their own teams. Teams will be issued a playing shirt. Cost is $10 per player.

TAE KWON-DO  (태권도)   - 매주 화요일 방과후 학교 강당
IV Dan International Instructor Christine Young will continue a term programme after school on Tuesdays commencing 16 October from 3.15pm – 4.30pm in our school hall.

More information available directly to Christine PH 571 0866 or Mob 021 980 878. Term fee $50.

TENNIS COACHING (테니스_ - 월요일부터 목요일까지. 학교 수업 시작전.
Brett will run our before school tennis coaching programme again catering for all
levels of ability on the school turf Monday and Thursday mornings 7.30am – 8.30am
commencing week 2. Each group will be limited to 16 students. Come prepared in
your PE uniform and sports shoes and bring a water bottle and your tennis racket.
Cost is $25 for a 7 week programme.

GOLF  (골프) - 타우랑가 골프클럽에서 매주 화요일과 수요일  오전시간, $65
Our school has formed a partnership with Jay Carter and the Fusion Golf Academy. This initiative provides students with the opportunity to have professional coaching and instruction in Golf. Coaching sessions will be ability focussed and there are levels catering for beginners right through to players who may already have a handicap.

Coaching will be held on a Tuesday or Wednesday between 9.00am - 12.00pm at the Tauranga Golf Course.


Students who join the academy will have a one hour group session with Jay Carter per week for 6 weeks. (No lessons week 5 due to School Athletics) Groups will consists of no more than 8 students. Students will be transported to and from
Tauranga Golf Course by our staff and golf clubs will be provided if required.
The cost for students is $65 inclusive of coaching, use of gear and transportation.

SQUASH (스쿼시)  - 학교 실내체육관, $45
We have been able to secure Graeme Randolph who is a nationally accredited professional squash coach, to come into school and coach groups of students, catering for all abilities. Group sizes are limited to 6 students and the programme
will run for 6 weeks commencing Tuesday 23 October. (No lessons week 5 due to School Athletics) Until we know how many students are keen on this we are uncertain on times however Graeme has indicated he is available all day.

Cost is $45 each.

National level Gymnast and Coach with 15 years experience, Marie Farrell runs a gymnastics programme in our school hall on Wednesdays with the assistance of our AIMS GAMES Coach Anita Jackson. She caters for all abilities, from
beginners all the way through to students wanting to advance their skills running two groups - 3.15pm start and 4.15pm start. Term fee $80. More information directly available from Marie Ph 572 0724.

Wed 4pm: Omanu Beach Car park Mount Maunganui : Term 4 2012 starting week 1, 17th October. Cost $50 for 9 wks plus $20 per board hire per term for those without a surfboard. First paid, first in capped at 25 girls.

Please collect a registration form from the Sports Office.

Any queries on any of the above information please feel free to contact me to discuss further. Please remember to return your permission slip and money by Wednesday 26 September. There will be urgency with Waterpolo and Touch Rugby teams starting the first week back.

Kind Regards
Karen Hampton
Sports Coordinator