뉴질랜드 살아가기/타우랑가 생활 정보

이민자 가정의 여성들 정기 모임 - WING 소개합니다

Robin-Hugh 2012. 6. 29. 14:54

뉴질랜드 타우랑가에서 지내시는 이민자 가정의 여성들이  매달 정기모임

(WING =  Women’s International Network Group ) 을 갖고 있습니다.  


매달 한차례  회원들의 가정에서 Shared Lunch  모임을 갖고 있습니다. 


이번달은 아래 보시는 것처럼 6월 29일에 파파모아 한 회원 집에서 열렸고요.

다음달부터 예정된 모임 날짜도 있습니다.


27th of July

31st of August

28th of September

26th of October

30th of November

special Christmas event extended to our families in December


문의 및  연락처 : 

WING co-ordinator

Email: wing.tauranga@gmail.com


전화: 571 6419


WING stands for Women’s International Network Group and they meet onCE a month for a shared lunch, a sharing of migration & settlement experiences & mutual support. The venue varies from month to month – always in a member’s home – and is advised by email about a week before the lunch.


I hope that you will feel that you are happy to promote this activity to your members.

Thank you


Kindest regards

Janet Smith



Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council

Forrester Hall

Historic Village on 17th Ave


Ph: 07 571 6419


Office hours: Tues - Weds- Thurs 10.00 am to 2.00 pm



Dear WING Ladies,

first of all thank you to all of you who participated in our last meeting, it was again a heartwarming and wonderful event. I also wish to extend a warm welcome to our new members, it is great to have you in our group!

But time is flying and our next WING meeting is approaching fast:

You are all cordially invited to bring a plate of your choice to share to our forthcoming meeting on Friday, the 29th of June. We will meet between 12 noon and 1.30 pm at Bettina's brand new home in sunny Papamoa. A big thank you to Bettina for hosting us!!!

The address is : 11 Serena Key

Papamoa, Palm Springs

Tel. 07.5425291

Please let Bettina know if you are coming so she can get all the necessary cups and plates out, thanks for that!

Our WING season 2012 has almost reached its halftime, here is a list of our remaining meeting dates. Please have a look to it and let me know via mail if you would be happy to host our group at any of these dates. How would you feel to have one of these meetings as an outing (gallery, museum or other and a shared coffee somewhere)? Please let me know about your ideas and thoughts.

27th of July

31st of August

28th of September

26th of October

30th of November

special Christmas event extended to our families in December

kind regards,


WING co-ordinator

Email: wing.tauranga@gmail.com