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뉴질랜드 학생비자 & 기술이민 관련 개정법 (6월28일 발표)

Robin-Hugh 2011. 6. 30. 07:58


뉴질랜드 이민성의 학생비자 & 기술이민 개정안 (6월28일 발표)

Immigration changes affecting students - update

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


On 1 June 2011, the Minister of Immigration announced a package of policy changes for international students.

Following that announcement, sector feedback was received regarding the new requirement for students to study a two-year course before they can qualify for Study to Work visas (the Graduate Job Search and Graduate Work Experience visas).  


In order to ensure that this requirement is well targeted, a further round of targeted sector consultation was undertaken. The submissions received have now been considered and final decisions made. 


These decisions are to:


*delay the implementation of this requirement until 2 April 2012 (students who commence their course before this date will not be affected)  아래 기술이민 관련 개정안 시행은 7월25일이 아닌 2012년 4월2일부터로 연기한다.

 기존에 학력을 취득했거나, 현재 이 과정에서 공부하고 있는 학생들은 구법에 적용됨.

  • enable qualifying one academic year courses to include: (2년짜리 이외에 가능한 1년짜리 코스를 구체적으로 설명함)
    • all postgraduate qualifications, or    (대학원에서 학력을 취득하고 있거나)
    • credit-transferred bachelors’ degrees, or  (학점을 인정받아 1년짜리 학사 과정에서 수업중이거나)
    • all one year level 7 courses. (모든 1년짜리 레벨7에서 공부하는 경우)
  • and also enable ‘one year + one year’ course combinations to meet the two-year study requirement, so long as: 
  • 2년짜리 과정이라도 1년 + 1년으로 구성된 경우 아래 조건에 부합되면 인정됨.
    • both courses qualify for Skilled Migrant Category points, and
    • the second course is at a higher level than the first course (for example, a level 5 diploma followed by a level 6 diploma), and 
    • both courses are of at least one academic year’s duration (8개월 이상의 풀타임 수업이어야).


The updated Student changes fact sheet PDF [437KB] contains the detail of these changes and also provides more detail on the overall policy package.


See also the frequently asked questions on changes to Skilled Migrant Category and Study to Work instructions.

* Work visas will only be available to the partners of students studying postgraduate courses and courses
on the Long Term Skills Shortage List (LTSSL) at level 7 (bachelor’s degree level) and above, rather than to
the partners of any students studying courses on the LTSSL.


뉴질랜드 장기부족직업군에 속한 모든 코스에 입학하면 배우자에게 워크비자를 발급(자녀학비면제)되던 것이 없어졌어요.

하지만 레벨7 이상 (학사 이상의 과정)에 입학을 할 경우 배우자에게 워크비자 발급됨.


*  The validity period of medical and police certificates for PhD students, their partners and dependants will
be extended from 24 to 36 months, the same as for fee-paying foreign students.


 뉴질랜드 학생비자 신청시 제출하게 되는 경찰 신원 조회서와 신체검사 서류의 유효기간이 3년이었습니다.

 이번에 박사 과정에 공부하는 학생들의 이 증명서류 유효기간도 3년으로 바뀌었습니다.


* • English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) qualifications will no longer qualify for SMC points.
These are mostly used to prepare students for higher level study.

  기술이민 신청시 ESOL 영어 점수는 포인트 가산 점수로 인정되지 않습니다.


• Former international students with diploma or certificate level qualifications will be required to meet the minimum standard of English for the Skilled Migrant Category (International English Language Testing System average score of 6.5)


 디플로마(준학사)나 서티피케이트 과정을 수료한 학생이 기술이민을 신청할 경우 영어 점수를 받기 위해서는 

 최소 IELTS 6.5점을 요구받게 될 수 있습니다.


<2012년 4월2일부터 변경 시행되는 사항>  
Study to Work changes
• The changes to the Study to Work instructions apply to new students who commence studying a New
Zealand qualification on or after 2 April 2012. They do not apply to students who already hold New Zealand
qualifications or students who are currently studying towards New Zealand qualifications.


(Study to Work 개정법 시행은 4월2일 이후 입학하는 학생들에게만 해당. 기존학생이나, 이미 취득한 학력에는 영향 없다)

To qualify for Study to Work visas, students will need to have obtained a recognised New Zealand qualification of at least two academic years’ (a minimum of four semesters and 16 months in total) duration unless they have obtained:

--> two SMC points-accruing (level four to six) qualifications in succession of at least one academic year’s (minimum of two semesters and eight months study) duration each, provided the second course is at a higher level – e.g. a one-year
level five qualification followed by a one-year level six qualification, or


--> a postgraduate qualification of at least one academic year’s duration, or
--> a credit-transferred bachelors’ degree with at least one year’s study in New Zealand, or

--> any level seven qualification of at least one academic year’s duration.



2012년 4월부터 달라지는 추가 사항 
• Funds required by applicants for Graduate Job Search Visas will rise from $2,100 to $4,200.
• Funds required by partners of student visa holders who are applying for work visas will be $4,200.

• Funds required for student visa applicants will increase from the current $10,000 per year to $15,000 per year
for courses 36 weeks or longer, or pro-rated at $1,250 per month for shorter courses (less prepaid living


 2012년 4월 신청자부터 학생비자 한사람당 생활비 잔고 증명이 기존 $10,000 (36주이상일 수업할 경우)에서 $15,000 로 인상됨.

The immigration instructions underpinning the changes that are being introduced on 25 July 2011 are currently
being finalised and will be published on the Immigration New Zealand website at:

 www.immigration.govt.nz in July 2011.

Immigration policy changes affecting students

(2011년 6월1일 발표 내용)


Education is one of New Zealands top five export industries, contributing approximately $2.3 billion to the New Zealand economy each year and supporting 32,000 jobs.


Changes to immigration policies are aimed at attracting more genuine international students, and enabling the best and brightest to stay in New Zealand so that they can help drive economic growth through increased productivity and innovation.


The changes, which will begin taking effect from 25 July 2011, will:


strengthen student visa requirements and conditions (without introducing additional compliance for good

quality education providers)


facilitate access to study and training for genuine students, and


facilitate pathways to work and residence for highly skilled graduates.


As a package, the changes will better support growth in the export education industry and New Zealands wider economic objectives.


The changes to Study to Work visas and the Skilled Migrant Category apply to new students who commence studying a New Zealand qualification on or after 25 July 2011.  ==> 개정법 시행은 2012년 4월부터로 바뀜


They do not apply to students who already hold New Zealand qualifications or students who are currently

studying towards New Zealand qualifications.  (현재 학생 및 기존에 학력 취득한 경우 구법대로 적용됨)




From 25 July 2011


More criteria will be introduced to determine whether students are genuinely here to study, such as

ensuring education providers have assessed studentscompetencies for the course before issuing an offer of place.


Students will be required to attend their courses at all times, as required, unless they have genuine reasons for their absence.

  (학생들은 항상 수업에 출석해야 됨. 합당한 이유의 결석만 인정됨)


Students progress will be primarily determined by their education provider and assessed against the

education providers own academic progress policies.


Students will need to satisfy Immigration New Zealand(INZ) that they are supplying genuine evidence of

funds for maintenance.   (학생비자 신청시 생활비 잔고 증명액 인상됨)


Requiring those who provide sponsorship and financial undertakings to:

›› be either friends or relatives (if they are individuals),


›› genuinely intend to support the student and hold sufficient funds for each student they are acting for.


More flexibility for genuine students will be introduced by extending sponsorship eligibility to organisations or government agencies, and allowing third parties who provide financial undertakings offshore to continue with onshore applications.


INZ, when issuing student visas, will have more powers to ensure that students only study at good quality education providers.


The validity period of medical and police certificates for PhD students, their partners and dependants will be extended from 24 to 36 months, the same as for fee-paying foreign students. (박사과정 학생들도 3년간 신체검사& 경찰신원조회 유효함)


Work visa holders will no longer need to obtain a variation of conditions to undertake training authorised by their employer as part of their job.


Work visas will be available to the partners of students studying postgraduate courses and courses on the Long Term Skills Shortage List (LTSSL) at bachelors degree and above, rather than any students studying courses on the LTSSL.

 (장기부족직업군 학과에 등록한다고 해서 배우자에게 워크비자 발급 안됨- 자녀 학비 면제가 안됨)

(반드시 레벨 7이상의 장기부족직업군 학사 과정에 등록을 해야 배우자에게 워크비자 발급됨)


Changes to Study to Work visas (유학후 이민 뒤 잡서치비자 및 기술이민 신청시)


Students will need to have obtained a recognised New Zealand qualification of at least two academic yearsduration to qualify for Study to Work visas. A shorter period will be required for people who have gained postgraduate qualifications, credit-transferred bachelors degrees or some graduate (level 7) qualifications.


Students who obtain a second, higher qualification at bachelors degree or postgraduate level will be able to obtain a second Graduate Job Search visa. ( 첫 잡서치비자 뒤 다시 학사 이상의 코스에 등록해 1년이상 공부할 경우 두번째 잡서치비자를 받을 수 있게 됨)  


Changes to the Skilled Migrant Category

Applicants for residence can currently access points for recognised qualifications. From 25 July 2011, the points will be differentiated on the following basis:


Levels 3~6   현재 50점에서 40점으로 바뀜

Levels 7~8   현재 50점 그대로 유지

Levels 9~10  현재 55점에서 60 점으로 올라감


Applicants claiming bonus points for having obtained recognised New Zealand qualifications must have a bachelors degree or above.


Changes will also ensure that more former students who qualify for residence will be required to have a skilled job in New Zealand.


From November 2011

The definition of full-time study will be based on the type of course, rather than the type of provider, to improve consistency across education providers and make it easier for genuine students to access student visas.


From March 2012

Funds required by applicants for Graduate Job Search Visas will rise from $2,100 to $4,200.

Funds required for student visa applicants will increase from the current $10,000 per year to $15,000 per year (한사람당)

 for courses 36 weeks or longer, or pro-rated at $1,250 per month for shorter courses (less prepaid living expenses).

 ==>  시행은 2012년 4월로 연기됨 (6월28일 발표에서 변경됨)


The immigration instructions underpinning the changes that are being introduced on 25 July 2011 are currently being finalised and will be published on the Immigration New Zealand website at: www.immigration.govt.nz by early July 2011.