Blackcurrants are native to Europe and North Asia. The growing of Blackcurrants was encouraged by the UK government in World War Two as a source of vitamin C, as other fruits were difficult to source.
Available after Christmas.
타우랑가에서 약 1시간 ~ 1시간30분 정도 걸립니다.
화카타니 가는 해변 드라이브 도로도 참 멋집니다.
어느 곳에 차를 세워놓고 해변으로 나가보시면 사람 하나도 없는 나를 위한 해수욕장도 가능합니다.
한번쯤 꼭 당일 나들이 다녀오시는 것도 좋은데요.
쥴리안의 베리 농장과 카페, 갤러리, 동물농장까지 있네요.
타우랑가에서 화카타니로 가는 SH30 도로 옆에 있으며, 화카타니 조금 못미쳐 초입에 있습니다.
We are open!!
8 am to 6 pm daily
Freshly picked strawberries
and pick your own strawberries
ready now and tasting great!!!
전화: (07) 308 4253
왠 베리 종류가 이렇게 많아요...
한번 담아봤습니다.
Want to know when our berries will be ready? View our seasonal chart.
Blackcurrants are native to Europe and North Asia. The growing of Blackcurrants was encouraged by the UK government in World War Two as a source of vitamin C, as other fruits were difficult to source.
Available after Christmas.
The Karaka blackberry is a hybrid berry achieved by crossing two varieties in the New Zealand hybrid breeding programme. It has an old fashioned Blackberry taste, is easy to pick and has an outstanding shelf life, which makes it suitable for the fresh berry market.
Ready from November to January.
The Kotataberry is a hybrid berry achieved by crossing Boysenberry, Wildberry and Loganberry in the USA breeding programme.
Ready after Christmas.
Blueberries are native to North America and Eastern Asia. There are three species: low bush, high bush and rabbiteye. In New Zealand we grow high bush and rabbiteye. Low bush varieties are common in the wilds of North America and the plants are the size of a bic pen. They account for over half of the world’s Blueberry production.
Ready November to February.
Boysenberries were named after Rudolph Boysen who discovered the plant in 1920 in a ditch. Walter Knott named the plant and sold Boysenberries in his road side stall, along with pies and preserves. This went on to become Knotts Berry Farm Amusement park with roller coaster rides and water slides. ‘America’s first amusement park’.
Ready December to early January.
Cousin of the blueberry and found mostly in sandy bogs in the USA and Canada. Valued for their ability to help prevent and treat urinary tract infections! Very tart raw so mostly used in drinks and sauces, or sweetened and dried.
Available frozen.
Native to Europe, NW Africa and Asia. Has been cultivated in Britain since the 13th century. Used mostly cooked in gooseberry crumble or pie or jam.
Available frozen.
Loganberry are a cross between Blackberry and Raspberry. They were discovered in 1880 in California by James Harvey Logan. It has been used as a parent in many crosses including Tayberry, Boysenberry and Kotata blackberry.
Ready in December.
The Ranui Berry is a hybrid berry achieved by crossing Auroraberry and Marionberry in the New Zealand breeding programme. The result is a sweet and juicy Blackberry: one of our favourites.
Ready late November – has a short 3 week season.
Raspberries are grown extensively around the world and are very popular fresh and as jam.
Ready from November to January
Member of the gooseberry family, usually found in western Europe. Has a tart flavour similar to the black currant but sweeter. Makes a lovely jelly to serve alongside lamb. Can be served raw in salads or drinks.
Available frozen.
The appearance of the first strawberries is a sure sign that summer is on its way. In Roman times strawberries were a symbol of love due to their heart shape. The variety of strawberry we grow is Camarosa - a cultivar from California. Strawberries have 6 times more Vitamin C than an orange!
Ready from October to January
The Tayberry is a hybrid berry achieved by crossing Auroraberry and Raspberry in the Scottish breeding programme. Difficult to pick. Popular for Jam.
Ready in December.
* 여름방학중 (내년 1월쯤) 화카타니 앞바다의 뉴질랜드 유일 액티브 화산섬인 white Island 여행을 다녀올까 싶네요.
* 화카타니의 Boat shed 레스토랑 seafood chowder, 그리고 바로 옆의 Fish and chips 가게.
* 화카타니에서 작은 산 하나를 넘어 오호피로 넘어가시면 또 멋진 작은 해변가 마을( 오호피 골프클럽 강추!)
* 조금 더 가서 오포티키 가시면 굴 양식장.
* 이 도로를 가다보면 자기 집 차고에서 운영하는 Secondhand Bookshop이 TV에 나왔었는데요,
아마 주말에만 책을 도로에 내놓고 파는 것 같더군요.
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세계 조정 챔피언십 - 와이카토 카라피로강, 10월30일부터 시작 (0) | 2010.10.19 |
Re: 타우랑가 주변 최고의 드라이브 길은? (0) | 2010.10.17 |