뉴질랜드 살아가기/뉴질랜드 교육 정보

타우랑가 아트갤러리 4월 방학 특강 일정

Robin-Hugh 2010. 3. 22. 10:38

타우랑가 아트 갤러리 4월 방학 특강(School Holiday Programme)
Tutors : Grant Thompson / Ash Bailey
Working in two and three dimensions with mixed media
The first week’s activity will be based around 2D fluorescent designs, and the second week’s will be 3D fluorescent constructions.  Both activities are inspired by the work of Judy Darragh.  These are fun educational activities that teach art making techniques and skills.  
Children should only enrol once in each week.       

 (한 학생당 일주일에 딱 1회만 수강 가능) 

    Tuesday 6 April, 10.00am – 12.00pm,  6 – 8 yr olds. Cost $10.00
    Wednesday 7 April , 1.00pm – 2.00pm, 9 – 11 yr olds. Cost $10.00
   Monday 8 April, 10.00am – 12.00pm, 6 – 8 yr olds. Cost $10.00
   Tuesday 13 April, 10.00am – 12.00pm, 9 – 11 yr olds. Cost $10.00
   Wednesday 14 April, 10.00am – 12.00pm, 6 – 8 yr olds. Cost $10.00
   Thursday 15 April, 10.00am – 12.00pm, 9 – 11 yr olds. Cost $10.00
   Can children please wear older clothes to the class.  
   Fruit juice and a biscuit will be provided.
   Classes will be limited to 14 participants.
   Enrolments will only be confirmed by a paid booking.
   Please notify us asap if you are booked in, but are unable to attend.
   Phone 5787933 to make a booking

Education & Visitor Programs Manager
tauranga art gallery
Box 13255, Tauranga 3141

d: 07 5790622   p: Gallery 07 5787933
m: 0211576434  f:  07 578 9486