와이카토/베이 오브 플렌티 방학 축구 교실
Waikato Bay of Plenty Football October Holiday Programme
Come along and learn more skills, meet new friends and develop as a footballer in a Fun-Filled, Friendly learning environment. Players will receive a Certificate of Attendance after each course. Player of the Day awards will be presented daily.
Please note -All of our Coaching Team are of a minimum New Zealand Football Level 1 Qualification.
Please select the course(s) you wish to enrol your Child or Children for and indicate on details part below:
OCT1 - Tauranga Boy’s College, Main Sports Field ..................28th, 29th & 30th September
OCT2 - Otumoetai College ……Main Sports Field……………………29th, 30th September & 1st October
OCT3 – Links Avenue, Mt Maunganui… …………………………………….30th September, 1st & 2nd October
OCT4 – Gordon Spratt Reserve, Papamoa ………………………….…5th, 6th & 7th October
OCT 5 –Otumoetai College – Main Sports Fields ………………….6th, 7th & 8th October
OCT6 – Tauranga Boy’s College –Main Sports Field ……………...7th , 8th , & 9th October
All courses will commence at 9.30am and will finish at 3pm. All participants must bring a packed lunch and plenty of Drinks/Fluids for the day. A minimum of 18 participants are required per course for the course to proceed.
Costs - $45 per person per 3 Day Course – Payable with registration.
Programme Information / Cancellation Line – 027 328 6541 – Recorded Message
Any cheques payable to - Waikato Bay of Plenty Football.
Peter Smith, Football Development Officer,
Waikato Bay of Plenty Football, PO Box 921 , Tauranga , 3140.
Website- www.waibopfootball.co.nz E-Mail – peter.s@waibopfootball.co.nz
Peter Smith
Football Development Officer
Waikato Bay of Plenty Football
Western Bay of Plenty & Thames Valley
Phone - 07 544 60 56
Cell - 027 583 0883
E-Mail - peter.s@waibopfootball.co.nz
이번 방학 중엔 3일간의 축구교실도 열립니다.
참가 신청서는 첨부파일을 다운로드 받으시면 됩니다.
Waikato Bay of Plenty Football October H[1].doc
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