뉴질랜드 살아가기/타우랑가 생활 정보

뉴질랜드에서 이사할 때 챙겨야 될 일 체크리스트

Robin-Hugh 2008. 11. 25. 05:19

Moving your household can be a very busy time. A time when small (or even big) things can be easily forgotten. To prevent this from happening to you it is often helpful to write yourself a moving checklist. Below is one we've put together to get you started.

The checklist for moving

8-5 weeks prior:

Liaise with your bank regarding finance on next property.

Liaise with your solicitor - is your sale definite yet?

Select a firm date for moving.

Keep a list of incoming mail and notify change of address of any subscriptions.

Advise friends and relatives of your move.

Prepare an inventory of everything and store it with your valuables.

Plan how and when to pack your belongings.

Begin collecting large sturdy cardboard boxes for any items you wish to pack yourself.

Advise your children's school/kindergarten of your impending move and decide, if not already arranged, on a new school/kindergarten.

Have a thorough clean-out. Don't forget garden shed and garage.

Begin to run down supplies of frozen/perishable foods.

Check that larger appliances and pieces of furniture will fit in your new home and make a list of anything you will not take. If selling, advertise them for sale.


4 weeks to go:

Collect family's dental and medical records, letters of introduction and children's school records.

Transfer allowance benefits.

If renting, advise your current landlord.


3 weeks to go:

Advise your solicitor, local council, insurance companies, accountant, hire purchase companies, stores where you have accounts, and clubs of your change of address.

Start packing and labelling boxes with contents and intended location in your new home.


2 weeks to go:

Ask friends and relatives to help on moving day.

If moving a fair distance, have your car serviced.

Advise your bank(s), where you have accounts, including credit cards.


7 days to go:

Notify NZ Post regarding re-direction of your mail.

Arrange Electoral Roll transfer.

Advise the Inland Revenue Department.


6 days to go:

Advise motor registry (your licence, motor vehicle registration etc.)

Organise final accounts for gas, water and electricity.

Ensure continuity of these services to your new address.


5 days to go:

Contact Telecom regarding disconnection of your phone and final billing. Confirm new number and date of connection.

List essential items you will need on moving day.

Confirm removal company.


4 days to go:

Collect any items outstanding, for example, lay-bys, dry cleaning, shoe repairs etc.

Return library books.


3 days to go:

Return anything borrowed from neighbours, friends etc.

Cancel paper and milk deliveries.


2 days to go:

Cancel local arrangements, for example, lawn mowing, gardening.

Check with manufacturers whether your washing machine and refrigerator motors need bolting down.

Clean out medicine cabinet. Dispose of any medicines by delivering to a pharmacy.

Empty rubbish bins.

Do final clean-out of garage.

Secure turntable of stereo and arm.

Dispose of inflammables (throw out or give to neighbours). Drain fuel from lawn mower and other machinery.

Wash and dry any laundry.

Take down curtains, venetians and other blinds, unless they are to remain.

Prepare any items requiring dismantling which are being moved, for example, trampolines, garden furniture, etc.


1 day to go:

Place things you want packed together in separate groups, for example, linen, toiletries, etc.

Make sure gas, electricity and water meters have been read.

Dismantle TV aerial, if taking it.

Defrost fridge and freezer and remove food. Wash out interior.

If moving a long distance, have your pet picked up or drop them at a kennel or cattery.

If your car is being transported and it's not needed, have it picked up.

The Big Day:

You should be just about organised.

Consider carrying with you the essential things you will need when you first arrive.

Carry all valuables and important papers with you.

Tighten all taps.

Check gas, electric switches and lights.

Lock all doors and windows.

Check nothing has been left behind.


 <자료: 부동산 Professional>