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Living in Harmony에 한국 요리 선보이실 분!

Robin-Hugh 2008. 5. 28. 10:51

타우랑가 Ethnic Council에서 주관하는 Living in Harmony 시리즈에 한국 문화를 초대합니다.

일시: 6월 11일 저녁7시부터 9시30분

장소: Senior Citizen Hall  (주소: 14 Norris Street, Pak'n'save 바로 뒤)


뉴질랜드 타우랑가에 한국을 대표할 수 있는 전통 음식  2-3 종류가 필요합니다.

한복을 입고 참가하시고요, The Weekend Sun 에서 인터뷰도 나온다고 합니다. 


티, 커피 등 음료수가 제공되며, 피아노도 마련돼 있으므로 한국 음악을 피아노로 연주해줄 학생도 함께 참가한다면

더욱 뜻깊은 자리가 될  것입니다. 한국 노래, 비디오 상연과  슬라이드쇼도 가능하다고 합니다.


음식 재료비 $30도 지원해드린다고 합니다.


특히, 지난 Ethnic Featival에서 갈채를 받은 한국 문화를 다시 한번 소개할 수 있는 기회가 될 것입니다.


참가해주실 분이나, 관심있는 단체는 이번 주내로 연락주시면 감사드리겠습니다.



The date is 11 June, at 7pm at the Senior Citizen Hall at 14 Norris Street (at the back of Pak'n'save).(we finish usually at 9.30)

 We provide the hall hire, tea, coffee juice etc. at no cost to you, we have also microphone, we can hire a projector if needed. There is also piano at the hall.  We can cover some of your food costs on receiving shop receipts - this is up to $30.00

I'll look after promotion of the evening, but would appreciate if someone from your group would design a poster to represent your evening. 

If you would accept our invitation, I would endeavour to contact The Weekend Sun to have an interview with someone from your group-from previous experience I know that they would need to have someone dressed in traditional clothes.( this needs to be done by the end of this week or earlier on next week)


What we need from your group are 2-3 typical Korean dishes as a sample for others to try, someone to talk about that food or other topic about Korea and either some  music, more stories about traditions (could be a slide show or video) or just life in Korea at present.  All this wouldn't take more then 20 minutes, the rest is just eating and talking to each other and having fun. We often try to learn the dances of the country which organizes the evening.


When you accept our invitation, I'll get you in touch with Alessandra, who would help with anything you need for the evening.


Looking forward to your positive reply

Kind Regards

Ewa Fenn
Tauranga Regional Ethnic Council Inc.
P.O.Box 447
ph.07 5771644
fx. 07 5715944