여름 성수기철을 맞아 부쩍 늘어난 차량 교통량과 더불어 사고도 늘고 있다.
지난 화요일에는 오투모에타이 맥스웰 로드 철길 건널목에서 차량 한대가 기차와 추돌하는 사고가 발생했다. 다행히 인명 사고는 없었지만 경찰은 철길 건널목에서 각별한 주의를 당부했다.
A train has hit a car in Otumoetai tonight.
Police northern communications Inspector Jason Greenhalgh said a female driver was left in shock but was uninjured after the incident, which happened about 5.45pm on Maxwells Rd.
The driver's car had some damage and there was little or no damage to the train. Train services resumed shortly afterwards.
A cyclist has been knocked off their bike by a car in Welcome Bay.
Inspector Jason Greenhalgh from police northern communications said a cyclist had been hit by a car and was taken to hospital with minor injuries.
Read more: Car hit by train in Otumoetai
The injuries were to the cyclist's leg and hip and Mr Greenhalgh said he was being taken to hospital for a check up.
The incident happened near Welcome Bay Rd's intersection with James Cook Dr.
- Bay of Plenty Times