타우랑가 회원방

11월 4일(일요일) Te Puna Quarry Park 축제

Robin-Hugh 2012. 11. 2. 12:47

11월 4일 (일요일) Te Puna에 위치한 Quarry Park 에서 야외 공원 축제가 열립니다.

오전 10시부터 오후 4시까지. 


여러 공연, 먹을거리, 마실거리, 그리고 여러 공예품 시장 등이 열립니다. 날씨 좋다면 꼭 운동화, 등산화 (산으로 올라가는 등산로에서 보는 경치가 좋습니다!) 챙기고  자녀들과 함께소풍 나가보세요...  


  산속에 푸욱 들어앉은 공원도 참 예쁩니다.  


* 위치: 타우랑가 시내에서 2번국도 이용, 베들레햄을 지나 오클랜드쪽으로 조금만 지나면 Te Puna가 나오고요,

거기서 조금만 더 가시면 왼쪽에 Te Puna Quarry Park 간판이 보이는 입구가 나옵니다.

  타우랑가 시내에서 티 푸나 콰와리 산속 공원까지는 약 20분 소요됨.   



장소: Te Puna Quarry Park (at the end of Quarry Rd and is signposted off SH2)
날짜: 11월 4일, 일요일 10am-4pm,

입장료:  gold coin donation ($1-2 기부) 


해밀턴의 드럼 밴드, Bay of Plenty Pipes and Drums, 하이랜드 댄서,  Tauranga Acoustic Music Club 

그리고 세인트 메리스 초등학교 Jump Jam 시범단 등 공연.

Items may still be donated to the garage sale, phone 552 5874 or 578 6569.



The high-energy Wai Taiko drum group from Hamilton will beat up a storm in Te Puna Quarry Park on Sunday.

The group, which uses traditional Japanese drums (taiko), are coming especially to perform at the annual QuarryFest and will be in the amphitheatre for an hour from 11am.

Athole Harvey, who has organised the entertainment for the family fun day out, says her main aim was to offer visitors something new.

"The Wai Taiko drummers are such splendid entertainers," she says.

"They are all very athletic and obviously get a lot of pleasure from what they do."

Other amphitheatre entertainment includes the Bay of Plenty Pipes and Drums, Highland dancers, members of the Tauranga Acoustic Music Club and a Jump Jam exhibition by St Mary's School pupils, finalists in the national competition, at 12.30pm who will be inviting the audience to give it a go.

The Chordial Quintet barbershop singers from Katikati, meanwhile, will move around the park to perform, while the Tauranga Brass Band will be in the Carter pavilion.

The All-Stars Steel Band from Otumoetai College, which is making its public debut at the QuarryFest, will perform near the gate from 1pm and afterwards invite visitors to try out its steel pans.

Among the stallholders are Ridgedale Alpacas of Katikati, which will have animals on site, the fruit liqueurs of Distillerie Deinlein, a Cornish pasty maker, herbal soaps and skin-care products, hand-made jewellery, fossils and minerals, children's clothing, airbrush tattoos, patio roses, preserves and hand-made glassware.

A chiropractor is offering free spinal health checks and Breast Cancer Aotearoa will also have an information stand.

The Great Garage Sale is run by Quarry Park volunteers and features garden tools, ornaments, books and plants, as well as gear for outdoor pursuits such as camping and fishing and even some kitchen items.