뉴질랜드 살아가기/타우랑가 생활 정보

다민족협회 - 기초 생활 영어 교실 ($2) 추가합니다 (매주 화요일 오전)

Robin-Hugh 2012. 8. 22. 12:44

뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 다민족다문화 협회(Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council (TRMC))에서 매주 화요일 오전 10시 ~11:30 am에 생활 영어 교실을 새로 시작합니다.

기존 목요일 (09:30~ 11:30)에 열리고 잇는 영어 회화 수업도 그대로 진행이 됩니다.


특히 화요일에 초급(Level 1) 영어 회화반을 지도하시게 될 자원봉사 Rossana  선생님은 부끄러움 때문에 

영어로 말하기 어려워하시는 한국 어머님들이 좀더 자신있게 말할 수 있도록 가르쳐 주신다고 합니다. 



장소:  Building 4, Main St, Historic Village on 17th Avenue  (17번가 히스토릭 빌리지 안)


(1) 학교 학기중 매주 화요일 10:00 ~ 11:30   : 초급(Level 1)을 위한 영어 회화반 -   수강료 $2 기부

(2) 학교 학기중 매주 목요일 09:30 ~ 11:00   : 중급 영어 영어 회화반 - 수강료 $2 기부  


기부하시는 $2 에는 모닝티도 포함되어 있습니다.



Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council (TRMC) has just started a new ENGLISH which may better suit some of your Korean community members who are not so confident with their spoken English language skills.


This class will be run by a lady volunteer Rossana who is very good at encouraging shy  students to overcome their lack of confidence in speaking English.

This class will run on TUESDAYS during school term time from 10.00 - 11.30  a.m. It will be held here in the TRMC office (Building 4, Main St, Historic Village on 17th Avenue) and will cost $2 per class - this includes a morning tea.

We will still continue with our other English Conversation class (THURSDAYS during term time from 9.30 - 11.30 a.m.) and this class will be for more confident students as the discussions held are a bit more advanced.

Cost for  this is still $2 to include morning tea.

I know that some of your community have found the Thursday class a bit too difficult for them and I hope that we can now meet their needs with this new  class.

I would be really grateful if you could promote these classes in your newspaper/ website.

I would be grateful for some feedback if your members indicate that Tuesday mornings are not a good time due to other commitments as our volunteer & our office is available at other times aswell, though Tuesday would be our preferred choice at this time.

Thank you for your assistance

Kind regards
Janet Smith
Tauranga Regional Multicultural Council
Building 4, Main St.
Historic Village on 17th Ave
Ph: 07 571 6419
Office hours: Tues - Weds- Thurs 10.00 am to 2.00 pm