유학·조기유학/뉴질랜드 유학

세계 대학 순위에서 밀려나는 뉴질랜드 대학들 - 오클랜드대학 82위

Robin-Hugh 2011. 9. 8. 12:07

오클랜드대학을 비롯한 뉴질랜드 대학들이 올해 발표된 세계 랭킹에서 고전을 면치 못했다는 소식이다.

QS 세계 대학 랭킹(QS World University Rankings)에 따르면 오클랜드 대학은 작년보다 14계단 강등된 82위를 차지했고 오타고대학은 5계단이 상승했지만 여전히 100위권 밖인 130위에 올랐다.

QS랭킹은 연구 실적, 교수진, 취업, 국제화 등을 기준으로 순위를 결정한다.

한편, 영국의 캠브리지대학과 미국의 하버드대학, MIT가 각각 1위에서 3위를 차지했으며 일본의 동경대학은 25위, 우리나라의 서울대학은 42위에 올랐다.

뉴질랜드의 이웃 국가 호주의 대학들은 상대적으로 강세를 보였는데, 호주 국립 대학이 26위, 멜번대학은 31위, 시드니 대학이 38위, 퀸즈랜드 대학이 48위, 뉴사우스웨일즈대학이 49위에 나란히 랭크되는 등 50위 안에만 5개 대학이 이름을 올렸다.


세계 최고 대학 순위 (Universities in the 2011/2012 QS World University Rankings)


Rank Institution Country
1 University of Cambridge United Kingdom
2 Harvard University United States
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) United States
4 Yale University United States
5 University of Oxford United Kingdom
6 Imperial College London United Kingdom
7 UCL (University College London) United Kingdom
8 University of Chicago United States
9 University of Pennsylvania United States
10 Columbia University United States
11 Stanford University United States
12 California Institute of Technology (Caltech) United States
13 Princeton University United States
14 University of Michigan United States
15 Cornell University United States
16 Johns Hopkins University United States
17 McGill University Canada
18 ETH Zurich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology) Switzerland
19 Duke University United States
20 University of Edinburgh United Kingdom
21 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) United States
22 University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
23 University of Toronto Canada
24 Northwestern University United States
25 The University of Tokyo Japan
26 Australian National University Australia
27 King?s College London (University of London) United Kingdom
28 National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore
29 The University of Manchester United Kingdom
30 University of Bristol United Kingdom
31 The University of Melbourne Australia
32 Kyoto University Japan
33 École Normale Supérieure, Paris France
34 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) United States
35 Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland
36 École Polytechnique France
37 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
38 The University of Sydney Australia
39 Brown University United States
40 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong
41 University of Wisconsin-Madison United States
42 Seoul National University Korea, South
43 Carnegie Mellon University United States
44 New York University (NYU) United States
45 Osaka University Japan
46 Peking University China
47 Tsinghua University China
48 The University of Queensland Australia
49 The University of New South Wales Australia
50 The University of Warwick United Kingdom


자료  http://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings 

 (각 대학의 내국인, 해외 유학생들의 학비 비교표도 있다)


한편, 호주의 대학들은 100위 안에 8개의 대학이 선정이 됐다.

good news comes for Australian institutions in Eighth QS World University Rankings?

- Eighth annual QS World University Rankings? sees all of the Group of Eight featured in the top 300
- Australian National University (26) remains Australia’s best-performing university but falls by 6 places.
- Seventeen Australian institutions featured in the top 300
- Based on six indicators including surveys of over 33,000 global academics and 16,000 graduate employers, the largest of their kind ever conducted
- New in 2011: results published alongside comparative international tuition fee on www.topuniversities.com


Australian institutions in the top 300 of the 2011/2012 QS World University Rankings?

2011 2010 Institution Name
26 20 Australian National University (ANU)
31 38 The University of Melbourne
38 37 The University of Sydney
48 43 The University of Queensland (UQ)
49 46 The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
60 61 Monash University
73 89 The University of Western Australia (UWA)
92 103 The University of Adelaide
211 220 Macquarie University
228 224 RMIT University
256= 281 University of South Australia (UniSA)
258 274 Curtin University (formerly: Curtin University of Technology)
267 289 Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
268 257 University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
269 267= University of Wollongong
291 256 University of Newcastle
299 251 Flinders University