뉴질랜드 여행·골프/뉴질랜드 여행

Re: 마타리키 맞이 타우랑가 지역 각종 이벤트 안내

Robin-Hugh 2008. 5. 28. 08:48

Matariki Exhibition(마타리키 아트 전시회)

Matariki Exhibition, Tauranga, 2 June 2008 - 14 June 2008

This is an inaugural two week Matariki Exhibition to be held at the Creative Tauranga Community Art Gallery.

The exhibition will present the works of local artists and their interpretation of this time of year.

When: Monday, 2 June 2008 - Saturday, 14 June 2008

Starts: 9:00am, Ends: 4:30pm

Where: Creative Tauranga, 112 Willlow Street, Tauranga

Cost: Free

Trek Mauao - Tauranga Tangata Festival

 (마오리 별 찾아 마운트 새벽 등산)

Trek Mauao (Mount Maungaunui) to see the Matariki constellation among others followed by hot soup and rewana bread at the base of Mauao.
Note: this event is weather dependent.

organisation: Tourism Bay of Plenty
 Cost:  $2 per person.

 dates:  Thu 05 Jun 08, 5:00am

venue:  Mount Maunganui, Various locations, Tauranga(마운트 망가누이, 타우랑가)


Nga Hua o Matariki (마오리 음식축제)

Nga Hua o Matariki, Tauranga, 5 June 2008

A celebration of Matariki with guest chef Charles Royal who will be showcasing a seven course contemporary Maori inspired banquet with wine matches.

Also educating the audience about the harvesting and preparation of wild New Zealand bush herbs in cooking today.

All proceeds will be donated to our chosen charity Homes of Hope Tauranga which is a charity that houses neglected or abused children into nurturing new environments.


When: Thursday, 5 June 2008

Time: 5:30pm - 10:30pm

Where: Charlemange Lodge, 2 Loop Rd, Te Puna, Tauranga

Cost:   Adult:   


Tickets: Phone: (021) 133 4077



이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.   What is Matariki? (마타리키는?)

Matariki is the Māori name for the cluster of stars also known as the Pleiades. It rises just once a year, in mid-winter – late May or early June. For many Māori, it heralds the start of a new year.

Matariki literally means the ‘eyes of god’ (mata ariki) or ‘little eyes’ (mata riki). According to myth, when Ranginui, the sky father, and Papatūānuku, the earth mother, were separated by their children, the god of the winds, Tāwhirimātea, became so angry that he tore out his eyes and threw them into the heavens.


마타리키는 1년 한번만(주로 한겨울 5월말 또는 6월초) 하늘에 보이는 별 이름입니다. 

마오리들은 이 별이 하늘에 보이는 날을 신년 새해의 시작으로 삼고 잇습니다.

마타리키는 마오리 말로 "신의 눈"이라고 하기도 하고, '작은 눈"이라고도 합니다.

전설에 따르면 랑기누이(하늘의 계신 아버지)와 파파토아나누쿠(땅의 어머니)가 그들의 자식문제로 헤저졌을 때 바람의 신 타휘리마티아가 너무 화가 나서


Cycles of life and death

Traditionally, Matariki was a time to remember those who had died in the last year. But it was also a happy event – crops had been harvested and seafood and birds had been collected. With plenty of food in the storehouses, Matariki was a time for singing, dancing and feasting.

Modern Matariki

Matariki, or Māori New Year celebrations were once popular, but stopped in the 1940s. In 2000, they were revived. only a few people took part at first, but in just a few years thousands were honouring the ‘New Zealand Thanksgiving’. A special feature of Matariki celebrations is the flying of kites – according to ancient custom they flutter close to the stars.