ESL Support Golden Rules
(2개의 언어를 사용하는 가정을 위한 영어 배우기 조언)
Some Golden Rules from The Bilingual Family: A Handbook for Parents, by Edith Harding-Esch and Philip Riley, pp. 87-88:
From the website
* The child’s happiness comes first.
If ever you should really come to the decision that trying to be bilingual is in some sense a source of misery,
you should seriously reconsider your position.
* The child should never be teased or embarrassed about his/her ability, particularly in the weaker language.
This includes protecting the child when he is asked to perform by adults and by avoiding comparisons
between him/her and other children.
* The child should never be punished for making mistakes;
as far as possible you should avoid correcting your child too much, especially if this means constantly interrupting him/her.
* Talk to your child, and this applies to both mother and father.
Provide him with the richest linguistic environment possible (songs, playgroup, books, television, holidays visitors, games)
in both languages.
* Be consistent in your linguistic behavior with your child,
but remember that there are many different ways of being consistent: one parent, one language;
a holiday language and a round-the-year language;
a weekday language and a Sunday language;
the first one to speak chooses the language;
everyone speaking their preferred language.
* Don't put too much pressure on the kid.
Language is just part of their life.
It can be useful, fun and interesting, and it is important for their schooling,
but it is still just a part of their normal daily life.
If it is they need to use it, they will.