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뉴질랜드, 중국과 자유무역협정(FTA) 체결

Robin-Hugh 2008. 4. 7. 20:25

7일 뉴질랜드 언론은 뉴질랜드가 서방 선진국 중 처음으로 중국과 자유무역협정(FTA)를 체결했다고 보도했다.

이날 베이징 인민대회당에서 FTA 서명이 이루어졌으며, 헬렌 클라크 뉴질랜드 총리는 중국과의 자유무역협정에 연간 $350million 상당의 관세 감소를 기대한다며 중국과의 원활한 관계를 희망한다고 전했다.

뉴질랜드의 주요 수출품목인 농수산물이 중국에 수출될 것이고, 중국에서는 의류와 섬유제품 등을 뉴질랜드로 수출할 예정이다.

 또한 중국은 뉴질랜드에 1,800명 중국인 기술자들의 노동허가를 신청하여 중국어 교사, 중국인 요리사뿐만 아니라 뉴질랜드 부족직업인 간호사와 배관공 같이 전문직에 종사하는 중국인들이 뉴질랜드에서 일을 할 수 있도록 이에 대한 문제에 더 자세히 논의 할 것으로 중국인 노동자의 숫자도 크게 늘어날 것으로 전망하고 있다.  [뉴질랜드코리아타임즈]

ZESPRI Welcomes Closer Partnership With China

MEDIA RELEASE 7 April 2008


ZESPRI Welcomes Closer Partnership With China  ---

Speaking from Beijing today, ZESPRI Chairman Craig Greenlees welcomed the Free Trade Agreement between New Zealand and China as the beginning of a new era of closer trade and economic partnership between the two nations.


“China is a significant and fast-growing market for New Zealand kiwifruit, with 40 percent year on- year sales growth,” said Mr Greenlees. “China’s agreement to reduce the 20 percent tariff on kiwifruit to zero over the course of the next nine years is a very significant achievement – one that will be worth many millions of dollars to the New Zealand kiwifruit industry over time."


ZESPRI has been exporting to China since 1993 and sales are rapidly heading towards $50 million annually, or approximately four percent of ZESPRI’s $1.2 billion net sales. China is also a likely future source of kiwifruit for ZESPRI in the New Zealand off-season. ZESPRI already has some small trials of ZESPRI™ GOLD (Hort16A) underway and is looking to expand its presence in China.


“Over time, an opportunity exists for ZESPRI to work in partnership with Chinese growers to produce world-class kiwifruit that will complement the counter-seasonal supply from New Zealand,” said Chief Executive Tony Nowell. “ZESPRI is also looking to further develop research and development relationships in China, which is the original home of kiwifruit breeding and related research."


“While the tariff reductions on New Zealand kiwifruit entering China provide some immediate benefits to the New Zealand kiwifruit industry, the FTA also helps to pave the way for future collaboration between ZESPRI, and New Zealand and Chinese growers and researchers. It will also help to open other doors, providing stronger cooperation on matters like the protection of intellectual property, a significant issue facing successful brands."


Tony Nowell said the kiwifruit marketer had recently completed a significant strategic review to assess the right opportunities for ZESPRI in China. “I believe that China will become an increasingly important market for both domestic and imported ZESPRI kiwifruit,” said Mr Nowell.


“Chinese consumers are very quality conscious and brand aware, and already consume a lot of fruit. As disposable income increases, so does the opportunity for high quality products supported by targeted marketing and sales programmes. We’re projecting significant growth and anticipate that within a 10-year timeframe, China could form 10 to 15 percent of our total business. At such a level, the phasing out of the existing 20 percent tariff becomes very significant indeed."

Both Tony Nowell and Craig Greenlees congratulated the New Zealand and Chinese Governments on the conclusion of this historic agreement.