유학·조기유학/뉴질랜드 유학

뉴질랜드 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 뉴스레터에 등장한 수창의 영어 연설문

Robin-Hugh 2014. 8. 18. 07:26





뉴질랜드 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 뉴스레터 중에 ..

학교 국제 학생부 조회시간에  - 전교 재학생들이 함께 참석합니다 - 우리 수창이가 영어 스피치를 했는데 너무 잘했고요... 아래  스피치 내용도 참고해보세요. 


It has been an honour for us international students to come up here today and talk about our home
countries. Being an international student can be fun but  also challenging, coming in to a country
where you know absolutely no one,
and where everyone is begging you to drop the “F-bomb”, just so they can laugh at your accent. But on a more
ser ious note, i t i s somet imes challenging being an international student. ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Leaving your home behind to come to a country that you have never heard of and having to speak and learn a
language that you can’t understand is a big step for most of the boys.


But the International Department and the home-stays try their very best to make us feel like its our second home. When
it comes to making friends many of the international students managed to find their pairs, when we go camping and
d a y t r i p s a s a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l  Department. Now we are all good friends and see ourselves as one big
international family. However many seem to struggle when they are making a kiwi friend. This is very disappointing as one of our main reason coming to another country is to expand our friends globally as well as studying. ! !

So I’m going to put out a challenge for you boys to go and start engaging the international boys. Ask them how their
day is going, go out and play a sport on the field - become friends with them. Because I’m sure that the
international boys want the same.! !

Lastly, I would like to thank all the teachers and the home-stays because the support and the encouragement
help us achieve and overcome some  of the challenges of learning a new language. ! !

Thank you”!

Soo Chang Oh (오수창)




 뉴질랜드 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 스쿼시팀.  

올해까지 3년 연속 챔피언 내셔널 타이틀을 방어하고 있습니다. 이중  조시. 제이미, 알렉스는 또 뉴질랜드 대표 선수로  호주 퀸즈랜드 대회, 그리고 뉴사우스웨일즈 대회에도  참가하게 됩니다.




위 사진에  장래가 촉망되는 우리 민창군도 있습니다.

고등학교 3학년인데 벌써 오클랜드 대학교에서 학점을 취득하고 있습니다.

통계에서 A+  최고 학점을 벌써 챙겨두었답니다. 축하해주세요. 


University Papers
Congratulations to the following boys who achieved University Statistics through Auckland University:!
Minchang Kim A+
Cory Lipinski C+
Samuel Morgan A-
Reece Ratcliffe B