유학·조기유학/뉴질랜드 유학

타우랑가 보이스 칼리지에서 온 유학생들 사진과 편지요

Robin-Hugh 2014. 3. 6. 10:18



 2014년 신입생들입니다. 한국 학생은 주용.지혁,준하가 보입니다. 




Dear Parents, Caregivers and Agents

The new academic year has started off very positively, with 19 new students
welcomed to our school. All of our International students are settled into their

Your son will be issued with an interim report this term so you will be able to see how he is progressing.

We also encourage all of our students to participate in either a sport or arts subject after school to help them to
assimilate better within our school community.

I look forward to working with your son this year and know that this experience will be both life changing and memorable. You will also find some photos attached of both our new students and one from our International Camp that
was held in February.

Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime if you are concerned about anything.
Warm regards
Annette Roff
International Director