뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 그린파크 초등학교에 오늘 오전 신입생 입학 때문에 방문했었는데 그래엄 린드 교장선생님이
아주 반가운 소식을 말씀해주십니다.
이 학교에서 2년째 유학중인 홍준민(Year6) 학생이 ICAS (호주 뉴사우스웨일즈대학교 주최 국제 학력 경시대회)에
올해 응시한 뉴질랜드 전국 Year6 학생들 중에서 최고 점수를 획득, 뉴질랜드 수학 부문 우승 메달을 수상하게 되었습니다.
ICAS Medal Ceremony-NZ_Savethedate M[1].docx
위와 같은 메달 시상식 초대장은 그린파크 초등학교에 곧 도착한답니다.
메달 시상식은 12월 9일 오클랜드대학교에서 부모님과 교장선생님들을 초청해서 갖게 됩니다.
준민이는 지난달에 오투모에타이 인터미디어트 학교에서 Bay Maths 수학 경시대회 Year6 학년에서 개인 우승을 차지한 바도 있는 수학,과학 영재죠. 부모님들 고생 많이 하시는데 진심으로 축하드립니다.
Dear Graeme
I am very pleased to inform you that the following student/s will be awarded a medal for their outstanding performance in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) this year:
Medals will be presented to students at the following Medal Presentation Ceremony:
Date: Sunday 9 December
Time: 2.00pm
Location: The University of Auckland Business Centre
School Owen G Building
Lecture Theatre (115), 12 Grafton Road
Auckland, New Zealand 1010
Any student who is unable to attend the Medal Presentation Ceremony will have their medal sent to you after the ceremony.
An official invitation for you (or your representative) and the medal-winning student/s will be posted to you in the coming weeks. In the interim, we kindly ask that you save the date for this special occasion. Please find attached a ‘Save the Date’ notification for the medal winning student/s and their family. I would appreciate it if you could notify them on our behalf.
Awards and Recognition
In addition to a Student Report, each student that participates receives a Certificate which is awarded on the following basis:
Award | For each year level in each state or country |
High Distinction Certificate | the top 1% of participants |
Distinction Certificate | the next 10% of participants |
Credit Certificate | the next 25% of participants |
Participation Certificate | for all remaining participants |
Achievement Certificate | Teachers may wish to award this certificate to students who have made progress that may not have been recognised otherwise. Achievement Certificates can be downloaded from an individual school's secure online reporting website. The awarding of Achievement Certificates is entirely at the discretion of schools. |
*University of New South Wales (UNSW) Medals
(우승 메달)
Students with the top score in each subject in each year level are awarded a medal and a medal winner’s certificate. It should be noted that students must have written the relevant assessment on the official ICAS sitting date to be eligible for a UNSW medal.
There were 647 students from across Australia and 157 students from New Zealand and the Pacific Region who were awarded medals in 2011 for their outstanding achievement.
* 호주와 뉴질랜드 각 학년별, 각 과목별로 최우수 성적을 거둔 학생에게 UNSW 메달과 상장이 수여됩니다. 시험 과목은 Computer Skills, English, Mathmatics, Science, spelling, Writing 등 6과목입니다.
지난해에는 호주에서는 647명이 메달을 수상했고, 뉴질랜드에서는 6개 과목에 걸쳐 각 학년별 우승자 총157명이 수상하게 됩니다. 특히 각 부문별 메달 수상자는 호주 대학 입학시 보너스 점수인 ATAR bonus points을 취득하게 됩니다.
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