뉴질랜드 타우랑가 인터미디어트 학교 스포츠 뉴스레터입니다.
이 학교에서는 매주 학교 뉴스레터와 함께 스포츠 뉴스레터를 따로 발행하고 있습니다.
(물론 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 등 일부 학교에서도 마찬가지입니다)
그만큼 스포츠가 뉴질랜드 학교 생활에서 차지하는 비중이 얼마나 큰지 실감하실 수 있을거예요...
이번주에는 우리 집 아이들이 표지부터 시작해서 거의 도배를 했네요.
총9페이지 짜리인데요... 3면에 걸쳐 사진까지 잘 나와서... 또 자랑을 합니다. (죄송합니다~~~)
로빈이 우승 사진하고요.
그리고 둘째 휴가 시합하는 사진.
오른쪽에는 타우포로 1박2일로 경기에 참석했던 산악 자전거팀. 이 학교팀도 우승했고요.
MrDiver 교장선생님은 이번주 코치 프로파일로 들어오셨고요.
로빈이는 이번주 화제의 선수로 인터뷰를 했다고 하더군요...
질문 중에 "shellfish 빼고 다 잘먹는다"고 했고, 가족들이 본인의 스포츠 생활을 위해 끼친 영향이 무엇이냐는 질문에
"스포츠 클럽 가입비도 내주고, 라켓도 사주고...ㅎㅎ 늘 격려하고 있다"고 답했네요.
학교 웹사이트 링크
뉴질랜드 Puffin Short Story 공모전에 보낸다고 쓴 글입니다. 학교 숙제 중 하나로 500내외의 스토리를 작문하는 것이었답니다. 한번 읽어 보세요.. 그리고 수정할 부분이 있으면 좀 갈켜주시고요.
The ray of bright light streamed through the curtains as he slowly opened the window to smell the fresh sea scent. James sighed as he blissfully breathed into the clean air. He had heard cranks and crackles overnight through the rusty Steel walls. He thought it was the engine as he slept very close to it.
He put his suit on for work and straightened it up.He felt classy when he put on these clothes. He worked at the restaurant 'By the Sea'. Although, it wasn't everyday he had the chance to take a peek into the wide open. James was a very determined young man who was saving for his University fees. He raced off and his day had begun.
As the clock slowly ticked over twelve, slowly but surely, passengers on the 'ancient ship' were zooming into the fascinating dining room. Chandeliers hanging from above, beautiful glass murals and old-fashioned furniture made it stand out from the crowd. As time passed, it became as stuffed as a potato.
Squeaking from the glass floor and chatting of joyful people was all you could hear. Also the people were socializable as James knew from discussing in convivial conversation with them.
It seemed as if he was in a garden with the smell of flowers filled the air. As he scrambled
through people, he bumped into a hard rock. "Sorry" James apologized.
Just as he was about to carry on, he noticed something unusual on his uniform. Curiously he asked " Excuse me sir, but may I ask , what is that on your shirt? James questioned.
" A medal from WW2" Kevin replied. His face was like a scrunched up dried out paper. " Fun fact, this ship used to be in the war" Kevin said. James had nothing to say, so Kevin simply just walked away.
In the background of his stunned vision, he noticed something rather unfamiliar. A pair of popping frog’s eyes were intensely staring at him.
Tentacles from this giant beast started attacking the ship. Then the most amazing sight happened before his eyes. Before everyone’s eyes. The ship was transforming into a robot. Water splashing everywhere during the process.
Components on the machine was confusing with heavy metal body armour.
Next thing you could hear was clanks and steel banging into squid. A WW2 bot had arisen. Screams of maniacs losing their heads. “Ahh!” screamed one lady.
“Save yourself!” screamed another.Fuzziness filled my eyes and eventually couldn’t see a thing.
“Are you OK young man?” questioned a lady right before his eyes. He realized that he had passed out and people were surrounding him. “What happened?” he asked as he picked himself up. Kevin explained “This ship turned into a robot and fought against the giant squid.
It saved us from a potential disaster".
He wasn’t sure what to do but laid in bed.
He thought very deeply as he sunk into his bed. He told himself, “should I keep this job?”
But his answer was yes because he knew that his job was unique and sometimes being different was great. His goal was to earn enough money to go to University and he was going to continue earning money on this mystical ship.
By Robin Yang
로빈이는 역시 장남이라 그런가요?
대학은 니 혼자 돈벌어 다녀야된다는 아빠의 강력주장에 영향을 받은 듯합니다.
둘째 휴(Year7)는 학교 시험 중 글쓰기를 잘했다고 ...
지난 주 타우랑가 인터미디어트 학교 교장선생님 방으로 불려가서 칭찬을 들었다고 하더군요.
그 스토리를 읽어보니까...
형보다는 재능이 더 있는 듯하던데요 ... 관심있으면 그 영작문 글도 올려볼께요...
The Bush
As I was playing my favorite game on my new PSP, my dad jumped out of his computer room and shouted, “We’re going to the bush!” I had no idea why he was so happy but I knew that it was going to be another one of those father- son trips.
Since the last one we went on was to Disneyland, I thought that this one would never be as bad but it turned out to be a misunderstanding.
So there it all started in the back of the car. It was my dad’s old red tow truck which smelt like a hamburger stuffed with rotten cheese! I opened the window just as my dad turned the key. Oh phew! Fresh air. I passed some dead possums on the rocky road and we saw some giant grape fields that covered the whole land.
We finally got there, but it seemed that no one was here?
My dad said in his most proudest voice
“Welcome to Slytin Reserve.”
“Slytin Reserve, I’ve never heard of this place?” I said.
“That’s because it’s a private bush” said dad.
So we took all our gear out of rotten cheese land and started walking into the tall dirty reserve. While we were slowly walking dad was just talking about his childhood, but I was more interested in why it was so dark and misty? It still looked cool when I turned on my laser light in the air because it looked like a red light-saber of star wars, which we just watched last weekend.
Then I asked again why and how we were able to get into this reserve anyway,
but my dad just froze.....
이 뒤에 마지막 한 패러그라프가 더 있었는데 Mrs Diver 선생님(교장선생님 부인이시면서 학교 영어 스페셜리스트)이 지워주셨다고 하네요.
결론은 독자의 상상에 맡겨야 더 재밌어진다면서요...
전체적으로 이야기 전개가 형보다 훨씬 자연스럽게 느껴지지 않나요?'로빈과 휴네집' 카테고리의 다른 글
2012년 6월26일 Facebook 이야기 (0) | 2012.06.26 |
2012년 6월24일 Facebook 이야기 (0) | 2012.06.24 |
2012년 6월7일 Facebook 이야기 (0) | 2012.06.07 |
Re:타우랑가 인터미디어트 학생의 영어 글쓰기는... (둘째 휴꺼) (0) | 2012.06.07 |
뉴질랜드에서도 한방 침술로 건강관리 (0) | 2012.05.29 |