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마운트 망가누이,파파모아 지역 과외 등 정보

Robin-Hugh 2011. 1. 18. 07:15

타우랑가의 마운트 망가누이, 파파모아 지역 커뮤니티 정보입니다.


Guitar Lessons for 2011 - At Mt Primary. Guitar classes for beginners. Starting February 2011. For

bookings and further information phone Rahim Callaghan 574 0995 or (027) 475 1023

마운트 프라이머리에서 열리는 기타 수업


Kids Painting & Drawing Classes with Paula Knight - enquire now for next year’s term classes -

after school Tuesdays or Thursdays. Holiday classes - ‘paint a canvas for Christmas Dec 23rd’ and

other dates in January. For further details phone 542 3455 or email paula@paulaknight.co.nz

Papamoa Community Centre School Holiday programme - Brochures available from the school


Ezy Rider (승마) - The Local Riding School Holiday Programmes Jan 3-7 and Jan 24-28 $200. Or every

Wednesday - 7 weeks for $250.00. Phone or text 027 2089881.

오마누골프장 바로 옆 승마장


Babysitter, house sitter, pet sitter and gardener with references available.

         Phone 542 2700 or 021 542270

January Holiday Activities - Call 574 9862 to register;

Chill Out Sports, Chill Out Skating, Story Book Character Treasure Hunt, Crazy Carnival.




마운트 망가누이 스카이다이빙 ~~~~~~~~