뉴질랜드 살아가기/타우랑가 생활 정보

타우랑가 홈 쇼 등 5월 각종 행사 일정

Robin-Hugh 2010. 4. 29. 04:24

1. 타우랑가 홈 쇼 (The Tauranga Home Show)

4월30일(금)부터 5월2일(일요일까지), 오전 10시 -5시

장소: 베이파크 스타디움 (마운트 망가누이)

Ticket Information:  Show Prize Entry Ticket Upon Arrival: $10.00, Two for $10 Friday only: $10.00,

Door Sales only


타우랑가에 가장 큰 규모로 열리는 Bay od plenty Times 주최 Home & life style 전시회.


Tauranga's largest home & lifestyle event with over 200 exhibits and 10,000+ visitors/buyers over 3 action-packed days.

Everything for your ideal home lifestyle featuring new kitchens and bathrooms, superb living area displays, gardens, landscaping, food, wines, live music and more.


The show also features smart building seminars and live cooking demonstrations with all the fun and excitement that goes with it.  (즉석 요리 강습회까지)


Now in its 11th year the Tauranga Home Show is supported by the The Radio Network, The Weekend Sun, Tauranga Registered Master Builders, Resene, OSIM full body massage chairs, Mondo Travel Tauranga and others.

Don't miss Tauranga's lifestyle event of the year 30 April - 2 May 2010 at Baypark Stadium, Tauranga. With over 1000 free car parks on site, there's plenty of room for everyone.


2. Eco Family Expo (환경친화 엑스포)

5월15일(토요일) 오전 10시 ~ 2시까지.

장소; 메모리얼 파크 QE2 강당 


The Eco Family Expo - Helping families make greener choices - sponsored by www.yourfood.co.nz.

Over 50 stalls and exhibits showcasing eco-conscious products and services needed to raise a healthy, happy 'green' family including: clothing, toys, food, massage, decor, health, safety, education, pre-loved clothing, eco accommodation, plus lots more.

Fun kids activities including: kid's gardening workshop, play area, our DVD comfy corner, cafe and face painting.

Free goody bag to first 300 families and a huge prize draw:

win a 2 night family package at Mount Tutu eco-sanctuary valued at over $600!

Entry - gold coin donation.

Please bring cash - no Eftpos or ATM facilities at venue.

For more info or to have a stand please contact   
