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영국 선생님들, 출석부 이름만으로 말썽꾸러기 가려낸다! - 영어 이름 순위

Robin-Hugh 2009. 9. 10. 04:13

영국 선생님들, 학생 이름만으로도 누가 개구장이인줄 안다!

   - 교사 3천명 대상 설문 조사 결과  


영국 선생님들은 출석부에 적힌 학생들의 이름만 봐도 누가 말썽을 부릴 학생인지 구별할 수 있다고  말했다.  


학부모 클럽 웹사이트인 bounty.com 에서 교사 3천명을 대상으로 한 설문조사 결과, Jack, Kyle, Courtney 그리고  Brooke 이란 이름을 갖고 있는 학생들이 가장 말썽꾸러기일 가능성이 높은 것으로 밝혀졌다.


Callum 이란 이름이 남학생 중에 가장 개구장이 이름으로 올랐고, Chelsea 라는 여학생 이름이 문제아일 가능성 제일 높은 이름으로 조사 결과에 나타났다.


설문조사에 참가한 33% 이상의 교사들은  특정 이름을 갖고 있는 학생들이 다른 이름의 학생들보다 더 많은 문제를 일으킬 것으로 믿고 있다고 The Sun이 이런 설문조사 결과를 인용해 보도했다. 


하지만 이중  57%의 교사들은 이런 말썽꾸러기 이름을 갖고 있는 학생들이 학급 친구들에겐 가장 인기도 있으며, 친구도 쉽게 사귀고 있다고 말했다.


Bounty.com 대변인인 파이예 밍고씨는 "선생님들도 한 인간이다. 그래서 - 틀릴 수도 있고, 맞을 수도 있지만 - 어떤 가정과 고정관념을 자기들의 예전 경험을 통해 갖고 있을 것이다"며 조사 결과를 밝혔다.


"이런 결과는 교사들이 같은 이름을 갖고 있던 옛 학생들의 태도와 행동을 지켜보면서 형성된 것이므로 매우 자연적일 수 있지만, 그런 이름에 대한 자신들의 예상이 빗나갈 때 선생님들도 매우 행복해할 것으로 생각한다"고 덧붙였다.


 이번 설문조사에서 어떤 이름이 가장 똑똑한 모범생 스타일의 학생들로 여겨지는지에 대한 문항도 있었다.

Elizabeth, Charlotte, William 그리고 Alexander 등 주로 전통적인 이름들이 순위 상위에 올랐다.

하지만  Daniel 경우  말썽꾸리기엔 4위에, 똑똑한 학생 이름엔 7위에 올라 양쪽에 모두 이름을 올린 이름이 됐다.  




   'Jack 니콜슨'  - 교사의 3분의 1 이상은 말썽꾸러기 아이들이 평균적으로 훨씬 더 똑똑하고 감성이 풍부하다고 입을 모았다.

친구들 가운데 가장 인기가 높은 이름은 잭(Jack)이었다.


Naughty and bright names (말썽꾸러기와 명석한 학생들 이름 순위)

아래 블로거는 이 순위 리스트를 'Teachers Pet and Pest Name Chart'.

 즉, '선생님들의 애완견과 고문덩어리 차트'라고 꼽았네요...


Top10 - NAUGHTY Boys (선생님들이 꼽은 말썽꾸러기일 가능성 높은 남학생 이름 순위)

1. Callum
2. Connor
3. Jack
4. Daniel
5. Brandon
6. Charlie
7. Kyle
8. Liam
9. Jake
10. Brooklyn


Top 10 - NAUGHTY Girls (영국 선생님들이 꼽은 말썽꾸러기일 가능성 높은 여학생 이름 순위)

1. Chelsea
2. Courtney
3. Chardonnay
4. Aleisha
5. Casey
6. Crystal
7. Jessica
8. Brooke
9. Demi
10. Aisha


Top 10 - BRIGHT Boys (영국 선생님들이 꼽은 모범생일 가능성 높은 남학생 이름 순위)

1. Alexander
2. Adam
3. Christopher
4. Benjamin
5. Edward
6. Matthew
7. Daniel
8. James
9. Harry
10. William


Top 10 - BRIGHT Girls (영국 선생님들이 꼽은 모범생 스타일의 여학생 이름 순위)

1. Elisabeth
2. Charlotte
3. Emma
4. Hannah
5. Rebecca
6. Abigail
7. Grace
8. Alice
9. Anna
10. Sophie


TOP 10 MOST POPULAR BOYS IN THE CLASS (반에서 친구들에게 인기있는 남학생 이름 순위)

1. Jack

2. Daniel

3. Charlie

4. Callum

5. Benjamin

6. Connor

7. Adam

8. Alfie

9. Christopher

10. James


TOP 10 MOST POPULAR GIRLS IN THE CLASS  (반에서 인기짱인 여학생 이름 순위)

1. Emma

2. Charlotte

3. Hannah

4. Anna

5. Caitlin

6. Chelsea

7. Courtney

8. Holly

9. Brooke

10. Jessica




 An interesting story out of the UK this week suggests that teachers can guess the "naughtiness" factor of a child based on their name. (Read here too about the "brightest" names and the names found commonly attached to the most popular kids.)

A third of 3,000 teachers surveyed helped researchers draw up a 'Teachers Pet and Pest Name Chart'.


Red alarm names for boys include Callum, Connor, Jack, Kyle, Liam, Jake and Brooklyn - although boys with many of these names are also amongst the most popular in the class, the survey suggests.

For girls, Chelsea, Aleisha, Casey and Crystal were trouble markers, while Jessica, Brooke and Demi were also problematic.

I do remember one naughty Crystal at my school as a child but none of the other names would necessarily ring alarm bells for me, a non-teacher, as they are distinctly modern.

Demi Moore was a frizzy-haired, buck-toothed budding actress with strange eyes who I don't think any parents would be immortalising, and the only Jessica that had any prominence I can remember was Jessica Rabbit.

The current study strongly linked naughty names with popularity (and popular names were naughty names and belonged to popular children).


Can we assume from this that cool parents pick up on trends, name their kids with the cool name of the time, then boost their offspring's risk-taking, attention-seeking, egocentric behaviour in the way they parent them?

Conversely, would uncool parents give their kids unusual names or just straight out dweeby names, damning their children to a lifetime of wall flowering?


I consider myself to be solidly in the unusual name camp, for reasons you may well guess.

Diattima is my actual first name, a name so incomprehensible to most people that I got called everything under the sun except it (Dit-ma, Die-a-teema, Dee-Dee etc). Pretty a name it may be, but mangled it certainly was, and it was absolutely not cool in the days when Lisa, Rachel and Stephanie were the shiz.

Was I marked out for life as an oddball? Probably.


So how important are your choices of names?


American studies have consistently shown that very unusual spellings and certain other name choices that are common in black communities can hinder a child throughout his or her life (the Nekysha, JaQuana, Lahquan type names).


Some versions seem to be creeping into New Zealand as well (Aaliyah, for example, or Kinisha) on top of the more bizzare, as in Midnight Chardonnay and Number 16 Bus Shelter. Yes, absolutely true.


So, do our naming choices affect the future path of our loin fruit?

And if so, how will the current huge crop of Sophies, Stella/Ella/Bellas, Jacks, James' and Williams fare as a result?

- Dita De Boni


한편 뉴질랜드에선 참 이상한 이름을 자녀들의 이름으로 등록하는 부모들도 있다는 기사.

'Number 16 Bus Shelter', 'Violence' 등도 자녀들 이름으로 등록된다고 합니다.  

New Zealand children have been given names such as Number 16 Bus Shelter, Violence and Benson and Hedges(twins).

But other names, including Fish and Chips, Yeah Detroit, Stallion, Twisty Poi, Keenan Got Lucy and Sex Fruit, have been blocked by registration officials.

The revelations came during written findings by Family Court Judge Murfitt, who ordered a girl be put in court guardianship so her name - Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii - could be changed.

The girl's lawyer told the judge she was so embarrassed by her name she refused to reveal it to friends.

Child Youth and Family does not consider giving a child an out-of-the-ordinary name a form of abuse unless a child suffers serious bullying as a result

A CYF spokeswoman says the name a parent chooses for a child does not constitute a care and protection issue in itself.

But Judge Rob Murfitt said he had concerns over the girl's name - and others with equally strange names - creating a social hurdle for them as they grew up.

The custody case judgment was made in February but was brought to light today.

Some children in Taranaki had been named after six-cylinder Ford cars.

"Recently, for the first time in my experience as a Family Court judge, the name of a child described in text language has emerged," Judge Murfitt said.

On that occasion the mother had named her daughter O.crnia but was prepared to concede to a condition of a parenting order so it could be adjusted to Oceania.

A lawyer for Talula Does The Hula From Hawaii had reported the nine-year-old was so embarrassed about her name that she had not revealed it to her friends and was other wise known as "K".

The lawyer said the girl feared being mocked and teased, and had a better insight about the situation than her parents, who appeared not to have given any thought to implications of giving their child such a name.

Brian Clarke, the registrar general of Births, Deaths and Marriages, said New Zealand law does not allow names that would cause offense to a reasonable person, that are 100 characters or more long, that include titles or military rank or that include punctuation marks or numerals.


He said officials usually talked to parents who proposed unusual names to convince them about the potential for embarrassment.

"Often when we explain the situation to parents we can agree on an acceptable name to register," he said.

Registering for exams or applying for a passport or driving licence would have presented difficult issues.


Legislation on the Internal Affairs website says names must adhere to the following criteria;

(뉴질랜드 내무부에서 권장하는 자녀 이름 작명법)

* Must not cause offence to a reasonable person  

* Must not be unreasonably long (less than 100 characters long including spaces) 

* Must not be without adequate justification, be, include or resemble and official title or rank -

* Does not use punctuation marks, brackets or numbers