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추락하는 뉴질랜드 달러 - 미국 달러 대비 최저점인가?

Robin-Hugh 2009. 3. 3. 03:44

미국 달러 대비 한국의 원화만 추락하지는 않습니다.  

어제  미국 $1 = 한화 1,602원 (현찰 매수 기준)을 보자니 입안이 씁쓸하고, 눈 앞도 막막합니다.


 그동안 뉴질랜드 키위 달러는 미국의 경제 위기에 힘입어 처음으로 미 달러 대비 80센트 꼭지까지 찍어보고 계속 하락하다

 3월2일 결국 마지막 저항선으로 여겨졌던 50센트 벽마저 무너졌습니다. 


 현지 신문들은 최근 6년간 뉴질랜드 달러의 최저점이라고 보도하고 있습니다.

 3월2일  US $1 = NZ 49.12c 입니다.   미국달러의 1/2도 안되는 상황입니다.

 이런 상태로 뉴질랜드 달러가 미 달러대비 당분간 바닥을 다지게 된다면,,, ???

한 환율 전문가는 "장기 매수포지션(Long position)쪽에서 매매익을 취할 수 있는 타이밍"이라고 말합니다.


 즉, 40센트대에서 뉴질랜드 달러를 사들였다가 뉴질랜드 경제가 박차고 일어나 70센트 -80센트대로만 올라준다면

 100%의 이익을 남길 수 있다는 예견.  보수적으로 60센트를 회복한다고 해도 괜찮은 투자?


오늘 3월 3일 아침에 한국의 MB 대통령이 뉴질랜드에 도착을 한다고 합니다.

하룻밤을 머문다고 하는데,  MB 대통령과  뉴질랜드 존 키 총리가 한자리에 앉아 

이런 동병상련에 대해 해결책을 찾아볼지 궁금해집니다.     




NZ dollar falls to six-year low

The New Zealand dollar plunged to a six-year low today as investors around the world again sought haven in US dollar assets.


The NZ dollar traded as low as US49.12c today. This was a break below the low of US49.65 on February 2.


BNZ currency strategist Danica Hampton said the currency reached a six-year low and the next level was US48.55c, the November 2002 low.


"The break of the February 2 level suggests we are going to test the downside this week," she said.


The NZ dollar recovered to US49.30c by 5pm, compared with US49.87c on Friday.


"Basically we have seen terrible news from the global backdrop. on Friday there was increasing fears about nationalisation of banks and insurers and US GDP was an awful number," she said.


The ongoing fears about the global financial sector and the global economy had heightened risk fears.

"Currencies like the kiwi were sold," she said.


Westpac said that if the NZ dollar stays below US50c, that level could become a cap for it.


Westpac is also sees a test of A77c on the Australian dollar cross this week.

The NZ dollar was A77.90c at 5pm from A78.35c on Friday.

The Reserve Bank of Australia considers its 3.25 percent cash target rate on Tuesday and a cut of only 25 basis points is expected, if at all.


The Reserve Bank of New Zealand is expected to cut its official cash rate next Thursday

as low as 2.5 percent from the current 3.5 percent, opening a yield differential up with Australia.

Investors would chase the higher yields in Australia.

A break of A77c on the cross would open the possibility of a fall to A73c, Westpac said.


The NZ dollar slipped against the yen to 48.10 by today's close as the yen rebounded.

 It was 49.35 at Friday's local close.  <NZ Herald>