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타우랑가 아트 갤러리 - 방학 프로그램

Robin-Hugh 2008. 9. 18. 09:17

타우랑가 아트 갤러리 - 방학 프로그램(School Holiday Programme)

Creatures of Fantasy: 7 - 9 yr olds
Participants will use broken and discarded objects to create 3D creatures. Media: found.
Note: in order for these works to be really interesting, participants are asked to bring a few small broken toys or household objects that might be suitable for recycling in an artistic way.
Tuesday 30 September, 10.00am -12.30pm. Cost $10.00

Objects of Curiosity: 10 - 13 yr olds
Participants will look at ready-mades and assemblages, and then construct their own work using found objects. The finished work is a low relief construction. Media: modeling clay, found objects, tissue, shellac, and paint.
Note: in order for these works to be really interesting, participants are asked to bring a few small broken toys, mechanical parts, parts of musical instruments, nuts and bolts, etc.
Wednesday 1 October, 10.00am -12.30pm. Cost $10.00

Plants with Attitude: 7 - 9 yr olds
A fun construction activity that will involve creating a 3D plant that is out of this world! Media: plastic dishes, cane, modeling clay, card and paint.
Tuesday 7 October, 10.00am -12.30pm. Cost $10.00

Plants with Attitude: 10 - 13 yr olds
A construction activity that looks at the non-traditional use of plants as subjets for art, as motivation to create something weird and wonderful. Media: plastic dishes, cane, modeling clay, card and paint.
Wednesday 8 October, 10.00am -12.30pm. Cost $10.00

예약 필수 : 전화 578 7933 또는 아트 갤러리를 직접 방문하셔서 예약하실 수 있습니다.
Bookings are essential. Phone Visitor Information on 07 578 7933 ext 703.