뉴질랜드 영어(Kiwi English)- 일상 생활속에서 뉴질랜드인들이 가장 많이 쓰는 Slang(구어체 표현)을 소개합니다. 공부하고 알아야 대화가 들립니다. (자료:이민성)
* 뉴질랜드의 통용 구어(Common slang) *
경고 – ‘아래 말을 쓸 때는 좀 더 신중해야 됩니다. 즉 사람에 따라서...’
Awesome |
Fine, excellent (오~썸~...정말 좋다~~) = Gorgeous~~ |
Bach(배취) |
A holiday home (also known as a crib in the South Island) |
Barbie |
Barbecue (also written as BBQ) - food cooked outside over a charcoal or gas fire (바베큐 파티를 줄여쓸 때) |
Beaut, beauty |
Something good or outstanding. Often used ironically to mean the opposite (정말 좋은데... 탁월한데... ) |
Bro |
Term of address for a male friend or relative (브로, 남자들끼리의 친구) |
Bright as a button |
Looking fresh, alert |
Bright spark |
Intelligent, alert, attentive, awake |
Bring a plate |
Everyone brings food to share. Don't bring an empty plate. (port luck)이라고도 합니다. 접시에 음식을 하나씩 갖고 오세요 |
Bush |
New Zealand's native forest |
Bushed, had it |
Exhausted |
Bring Your Own. A BYO restaurant is a restaurant that allows customers to bring their own wine to drink with their meal. (식당에 BYO라고 써있으면 자신이 마실 술을 갖고 들어갈 수 있습니다. 이 때 병 따주기, 유리잔 준비 등 서비스 요금을 조금씩 주게 됩니다) |
Chocker |
Full |
Choice |
Fine, excellent (정말 좋다~) |
Chunder |
To vomit (토하다, 게우다) |
Clean as a whistle |
Sparkling clean |
Clown |
Term of abuse, idiot (바보) |
Crook |
To be ill or unwell. Also means a thief (아프다 또는 도둑놈) |
Cuz |
Term of address for friend or relative (친구. 친척임을 강조할 때) |
Dag |
An amusing person, a character |
Dork |
An idiot or a physically uncoordinated person |
Dough |
Money |
Drive around the bend |
Annoy so much you lose your temper |
Drongo |
A term of abuse, idiot |
Dude |
A cool or good looking male (멋진 녀석인데~) |
Fade |
Type of hair cut that is very short at the back and over the ears and gradually becomes longer on top |
Feed |
A meal (식사) |
Flat tack |
At top speed |
Foxy, fox |
Used to describe a cool or good looking person of either sex |
Fully |
I agree |
G'dday |
Greeting meaning hello ( 굿에이 메이트~... "안녕~~") |
Got the blues |
Used to describe a sad state of mind (기분이 우울할 때) |
Greenie |
A conservationist (환경보호주의자) |
Gumboots |
Waterproof rubber boots (called Wellingtons in Britain) 고무장화 |
Grog |
Alcohol |
Grouse |
Fine, excellent, often used to express delight (애들이 쓰는말,, 좋은데..) |
Hard case |
A tough but likeable person, an eccentric person |
Hard graft |
Hard work |
Head over heels |
Usually describing somebody who is very very happy (아주 행복한 사람을 지칭할 때) |
Heart of gold |
Describing a person who is very kind (정말 인자하고 친절한 분을 지칭) |
Hook up |
Meet up or join in (만나자~~) |
Hoon |
A noisy person, a lout (시끄러운 사람, 소리가 큰 사람) |
In a spin |
Usually when too many things happen all at one time or too many choices (한꺼번에 너무 많은 일이 일어날 때, 너무 많은 선택을 해야될 때) |
Jandals |
Rubber sandals or thongs (called flip flops in Britain) 샌달과 다른 잰달 |
Joker |
A man |
Kiwi |
New Zealand native bird symbol. New Zealander |
Lolly |
The usual word for a confection or sweet (사탕, 젤리류) |
Mate |
A friend, also a term of address ( 굿에이~ 메이트!) |
Mission |
An adventure |
Mongrel |
A term of abuse or contempt for a person (뉴질랜드의 갱스터?) |
Mullet |
A type of haircut where the hair is short and spiky on top and long and straggly at the back (원래 청어를 뜻하는 것인데 ….) |
Munted |
To be broken or distorted |
Narley |
Cool, good (애들이 씁니다) |
Nerd |
A boring person |
Nifty |
Good (applied to a thing) –훌륭한 (물건) |
No worries |
Common phrase of agreement (동의할 때, "그래...맞아~) |
On to it |
Efficient or intelligent |
On a high |
A good feeling that can come from success |
Once in a blue moon |
Very rarely, seldom, almost never (정말 드물게) |
Paddock |
A field, also a sports pitch (잔디 목장, 운동장) |
Paint the town red |
To go out and have a good time |
Piker |
Someone who opts out of an activity |
Pootang |
Gross or disgusting ( 별로 안좋은... 진짜 안좋은) |
Pop on over/ pop in |
Come and visit me at my house (찾아가다. 들르다) |
Potluck dinner |
Everyone brings prepared food to share with all the guests (모든 손님들이 각자 음식 접시 한가지씩 갖고 와서 하는 포틀럭 파티) |
Pressie |
A present (gift) |
Pub |
A bar where alcoholic drinks are served over the counter |
Rapt |
Very pleased |
Rellie |
A relation or relative (친척) |
Rough ride |
A difficult experience |
She'll be right |
Everything is going to be OK |
Shocking |
Very bad |
Shout |
To treat your friends to something such as a drink or a meal (한잔 살 때) |
Skite |
To boast. A boaster or showoff |
Smoko |
Coffee or tea break (담배 한대 피면서) |
Snowed under |
Usually has too much work or responsibility |
Spuds |
Potatoes |
Sticks |
Remote or rural district, the countryside |
Stinge/Stingy |
Not generous with your money |
Stoked |
Very excited |
Sweet as |
Great (젊은 사람들끼리 특히) |
Swot |
Study hard, especially before an exam |
Ta |
Thanks (많이 씁니다) |
Tinnie |
Can of beer |
Tinny |
Lucky |
To take for a ride |
To deceive or trick someone |
Togs |
Swimming costume (학교에 갖고 가는 수영복) |
Tucker |
Food (학교 매점을 Tuck Shop이라고도 합니다) |
Turn to custard |
Collapse of ideas, schemes, plans |
Unc/Unco |
An uncoordinated person, often used as an insult or taunt |
Under the weather |
Feeling off colour, unwell, tired |
Uni |
University |
Varsity |
University |
Veggies |
Vegetables |
Wicked |
Fine, excellent |
Wop-wops |
Remote or rural district, the countryside |
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