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2007년 타우랑가 아트 페스티벌 - 2개 대형 사진전 등 풍성

Robin-Hugh 2007. 7. 27. 18:46

 노동절 즈음에  격년으로 개최되는 타우랑가 아트 페스티벌(Tauranga Arts Festival)이  2007년 제5회를 맞아 10월 18일부터 28일까지 시내 일원에서 다양하게 열린다. 

지난 1999년부터 시작돼 2005년 괄목한 성장과 관람객들의 열띤 호응에 힘입어 올해 어느해보다 풍성하고 화려하게 펼쳐진다.

특히 세계적으로 이미 격찬을 받은 2개의 대형 사진 전시회에 주목할 만하다.

Earth from Above(하늘에서 본 지구전)과  월드 프레스 포토(World Press Photo) 전시회다.  2개 전시회 모두 한국에서도 열려 큰 호응을 얻은 바 있다.


타우랑가 아트 페스티벌에 대한 자세한 행사 내용과 프로그램은



이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.
"Earth from Above" 사진 전시회


An aerial portrait of our planet towards a sustainable development.

Yann Arthus-Bertrand (France)

"The most amazing pictures you'll ever see." - Daily Mail, UK

From spectacular glaciers to a market garden in Timbuktu, photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand has captured an incredible variety of landscapes from the air. The results of his last 14 years' work can be seen at the Earth from Above exhibition along the Strand in Tauranga. The exhibition is free to the public and is on display for 24 hours a day for a period of six weeks.

이미지를 클릭하면 원본을 보실 수 있습니다.
"World  Press Photo" (타우랑가 아트 갤러리)

The best press photos of the year.

Tauranga is the only city in New Zealand this year to see this travelling exhibition which is visited by over two million people in some 45 countries worldwide.


The exhibition is from the world's largest and most prestigious annual press photography contest. Every year since 1956 has seen a contest and a winning image.

Some of the photos have become iconic - a naked girl running after a napalm attack in Vietnam; a Buddhist monk who has set himself alight; a sole demonstrator standing in front of tanks on Tiananmen Square. Others have set trends, established styles of press photography that can be seen re-emerging in years to come.

See the winning shots in News, Sports, Daily Life, Portraits, Arts, and Nature. Extraordinary photos often taken in extraordinary circumstances. The Festival is delighted to co-host this exhibition with the new Tauranga Art Gallery.