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타우랑가 메리베일 교회에서 열리는 무료 영어교실

Robin-Hugh 2015. 9. 7. 06:22

타우랑가의 한 교회에서 영어 무료 수업을 제공하게 된답니다.

Lerning Centre  (주소:  5 Merivale Road Tauranga)

최대 10명 모집,

6주간 ,  매주 화요일과 목요일 . 주 2시간씩  (수강료 무료)


‘Learning centre’ in 5 Merivale Rd, called CHIRP.

This stands for Community Hope Innovation Restoration and Participation. 

We are offering opportunities to assist people in the community. 

We have a Christian English teacher who is trained in ESOL (English as a Second Language) and she is available to have classes for any of your people to help them with English on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 

 If there is anyone from your church who would like to have free lessons, please let me know so that I can email you the details..


Liz Warren