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뉴질랜드에서 제작되는 한류 시트콤 '김칫국"의 주연배우 유현영양 화제

Robin-Hugh 2015. 7. 13. 14:00

뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 타우랑가 걸스 칼리지에서 유학하는 유현영양(사진에는 엄마도 보이시지요? ) 사진이 신문에 나왔어요   요즘 오클랜드로 오며가며 엄마를 꽤 힘들게 하고 있는데요.

이유는 바로 이것.


현재 뉴질랜드 오클랜드 월드TV에서 촬영중인 시트콤 "김칫국"에 주연 배우로 활약하기 때문이랍니다.

이 시트콤은 SKY 채널 300, 301번에서 방송되는 월드TV 뿐만 아니라 한국과 미국 LA,  몽고, 캐나다에서

10월부터 방송 예정이랍니다.  이 시트콤은 한국어로 촬영되고  영어자막이 포함될 것이라고 합니다.


뉴질랜드 헤럴드지에 실린 기사를 원문 그대로 옮겨와봅니다. 

*한글로 번역해서 다시 수정해드릴께요*


Light-hearted look at Korean-Kiwi culture



             (사진:  Students Young You and Andy Song, who play siblings in Kimchigook. Photo / Greg Bowker


A sitcom about the cultural clash between two Korean students who come to New Zealand and their Kiwi counterparts has started filming and will be screened to millions worldwide.


Producers of Kimchigook - New Zealand's first locally produced Korean drama sitcom - are hoping to ride the hallyu, or Korean Wave, to reach millions of K-drama fans.


Takapuna Grammar School head boy Andy Song, 17, stars as lead character Chigook Kim, and Young You, 16, a Year 11 Tauranga Girls' College student, plays his sister, Marie.


Chigook was sent by his parents to New Zealand, where his sister was studying, after failing to unleash his true potential back home. In the five-part comedy series, the siblings stay with their uncle's family in New Zealand.


"The story looks at the funny side of culture clashes between Kiwi and traditional Korean culture and practices," said series director, Tony Keam, a former TV news anchor at KBS, Korea's largest television station.


Mr Keam said the sitcom would be a light-hearted way to introduce both cultures, and would promote New Zealand as a study and holiday destination.


Filming locations will be in Auckland and Rotorua, including at popular tourist attractions such as Te Puia.


Kimchigook will screen in New Zealand through two World TV channels broadcasting on Sky 300 and 301 and also in South Korea, Los Angeles, Mongolia and Canada in October.


Mr Keam said the Korean-language programme would have English subtitles, and had the potential to reach more than 50 million viewers.



• First locally produced Korean sitcom, shot in Auckland and Rotorua.
• Five-part series to air on Sky and in South Korea, Los Angeles, Mongolia and Canada in October.
• 50 million-plus potential viewers.
• $50,000 budget.
• Will have English subtitles.


- NZ Herald