뉴질랜드 살아가기/뉴질랜드 교육 정보

타우랑가 지역 방학 및 방과후 각종 프로그램 정보

Robin-Hugh 2012. 10. 5. 08:58




뉴질랜드 타우랑가 프라이머리 초등학교 뉴스레터 중 커뮤니티 뉴스 


Starting Term 4: - 드럼 레슨  - Wednesday afternoons after school. $13 each student in
pairs for 1/2 hour. Contact: Carl Homersham 07 552 4481 0204 000 5008 email:



가라테 교실 Tauranga Martial Arts Centre Karate classes for 4 yrs & up.

 Mondays & Thursdays 4-7 yrs - 4pm to
4.45pm. 8-12 yrs - 5pm to 5.45pm. 13yrs & up - 6pm to 7pm. Free intro lesson by appointment. Contact Iain or Melisa  on 07 5430 931 or 0274 439 414

게이트 파 프리스쿨 & 유치원 (Gate Pa Preschool and Childcare Centre),

 Fantastic new Centre located on Cameron Road, Licensed for 25 Children with 8 babies in their own amazing area. The Centre has an outdoor area any child would dream of, including a mud pit,
climbing wall, fort and a huge sandpit. The inside is just as spectacular.

The Centre is having an open day 6 October 10am - 3pm please come along. 

 1132 Cameron Road Gate Pa Open 7.30 - 5.30.   07 5799496. Taking enrolments now.


팜 하우스 방학 기간 승마 캠프 

The Farmhouse will be running horse riding camps for both weeks during the next school holidays.

The dates are as follows

방학 첫주: 1 - 3 October 2012 (3 days 2 nights) or 1 - 5 October 2012 (5 days 4 nights)

방학 두번째 주:  8 - 10 October 2012 (3 days 2 nights) or 8 - 12 October 2012 (5 days 4 nights)


 연락처 07 3323771 or 이메일  farmhouse@xtra.co.nz 


방학 및 학기중 방과후 프로그램
After School and Holiday Programe available.

KAYAK TOURS - ADVENTURE PARK – TEAM-BUILDING - CONFERENCE & WEDDING VENUE - KAYAK COURSES. Winner of the Oscar Bay of Plenty Regional Award for: · The Best New After School and Holiday Programme · The Best Family Programme · Best Youth Leader at a Programme

위치 : 36 Taniwha place Bethlehem


올라운드 키드- 봄방학 프로그램 (Allround Kids Tauranga):

Spring Holiday Programme 8am to 5.30pm
We have a very exciting programme planned including, the Movies, Argos Gym, a Ju Jitsu lesson or Dance class, Oropi Hot Pools, Laser tag and much much more. Enrolments open now.

Please come and see us at 344 Cameron Road for an enrolment pack or email us at allroundkids@hotmail.com $45 for a full day / $22.50 for a half day (5 hours)

WINZ subsidies are available



5세-10세를 위한 포니 승마

ADOPT A PONY for the October School Holidays. 1,2,3 & 8,9,10 October. 9am - 12pm daily.

Age  5-10 years. Come choose a pony, learn pony skills and have fun.
Need covered shoes, raincoat, drink bottle.

For more information contact Sharon 552 4259 or 021 725286.
Also available - pre school classes and After School Classes. Contact Sharon for more information


파파모아 톱10 홀리데이 리조트 - 오픈데이

FAMILY OPEN DAY at Papamoa Beach TOP 10 Holiday Resort.

Saturday 6th October 2012. 10am – 2pm.

Located in the Papamoa Domain. Come & join us for some School
Holiday fun on the adventure playground & jumping pillows then take a wander through the Resort & check out whats on offer! FREE Entry & spot prizes to be WON! There’ll be everything from a sausage sizzle to helicopter flights, face painting, petting zoo, blokarts, fire truck, police car & even a race car to sit in! Check out more details at www.papamoabeach.co.nz/openday.

Lock it in the diary & tell everyone you know, we’d love to see you all there!


와이마리노 카약 & 어드벤처 액션 데이
WAIMARINO - Action Day -  Friday 5 october, 10:00 - 4:00 pm.. Entry $20 (under 5 free).

Activities include; The Blob, kayaking, hydro slide, kayak slide, inflatables, climbing wall, trampoline, warm pool, slip ‘n slide, low rope course, tarzan swing and lots more. BBQ, snacks & drinks available.

 Wetsuit hire $5. forfor more information  contact Waimarino 576 4233 



타우랑가 YMCA '오픈 마인드"   - 방과후 프로그램 

‘Open Minds’ YMCA is a small after school group with an emphasis on learning, individual attention and
building confidence in all aspects of life. Daily, children will be assisted with homework and learn to learn
through practical and fun activities, including mind mapping and baking, plus a weekly excursion.

Debbie provides a caring, friendly atmosphere where enquiring minds are encouraged.

With pickup available from Tauranga Primary School, (타우랑가 초등학교에서 픽업 가능)

Open Minds situated at 430 Devonport Rd (opposite Tauranga Boys), is a convenient location for city workers returning home. 
For more information please call YMCA Phone: 5789272.



세인트 피터스 교회  -  Light Party
St Peters in the City - LIght Party
130 Spring Street Tauranga. 5:30 till 7:00 pm Wednesday 31 October $2 per child (parents free).

Bouncy slide and castle and lots of fun games. Dress up as your favourite sports or super hero.

 Medals and prizes.


오투모에타이/테 푸나 포니 승마 클럽 

Otumoetai Te Puna Pony Club, Teihana Road Te Puna.

 A new beginner group for younger riders. Fortnightly Wednesday 5pm. Ph Margot 552 4300


The Arty House in Te Puna - 1st birthday celebrations.
Sturday 6th october @ 372 Wairoa Road Te Puna, 12:00 - 5:00pm. Live music, creative entertainments. Admissions free. www.thartyhouse.co.nz 



서핑 스쿨 - 텀4 방과후 10회 정기 레슨 (모든 장비 대여)
LEARN TO SURF - term 4 after school programme. Tuesdays from oct 16 - Dec 18. 4-5pm.

All equipment provided. 10 week programme costs $29.50 per student. (limited to 6)

Phone 575  3792 or 027 2799687. email:   www.surfschool.co.nz 



오마누 비치 인명구조원 클럽 등록의 날

REGISTRATION DAY - SUNDAY 14th OCTOBER 10.00 am – 1.00pm at the Club Rooms, 15 Surf Road


그리어톤 아마튜어 육상 클럽 - 등록

Greerton Amateur Athletics Club Season Registration nights:
* Monday 24th September 5.30pm - 7.00pm at Meredith Hall, PEMBERTON PARK, Fraser Road, Greerton
* Monday 8th October 5.30pm - 7.00pm at TAURANGA DOMAIN

* Sunday 14th October 3.00pm - 5.00pm at TAURANGA DOMAIN

Registration forms are available on our webpage -  www.greertonathletics.co.nz


 벨뷰 육상 클럽 - 등록의 날 

Registrations for Bellevue Athletics Club are now open!
Tuesday evenings From 5.30pm At the Tauranga Domain.

First club night is on Tuesday 16th October 
Please register and pay by Monday 1st October to
receive your discount. To register, please go to www.sportsground.co.nz/bellevueathletics