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BOP폴리텍 컴퓨터 버스가 그리어톤 도서관 앞에 3일간 (7월20일-22일)

Robin-Hugh 2009. 7. 17. 05:06

8대의 컴퓨터를 싣고 시민들 곁으로 찾아가 교육하는 베이 오브 플렌티 폴리텍 컴퓨터 버스가 7월20일-22일까지, 오전 9시부터 오후4시까지 타우랑가 그리어톤 도서관 앞에 갑니다.

연령에 상관없이 누구나 참여, 2시간 세션에 참가 가능.

phone 0800 267 7659 또는  www.boppoly.ac.nz 에서 예약 가능.


The Bay of Plenty Polytechnic’s Computer Bus returns to Greerton next week to offer free interactive computer tuition to all who book.

The Bay of Plenty Polytechnic’s computer training bus parks up at Greerton Village next week.

The bus has eight computer workstations and will be in the main car park behind Greerton Library on Monday July 20 and Wednesday July 22 from 9am - 4pm each day, with three learning slots of two hours each.
Bay of Plenty Polytechnic’s team leader for community computing, Phil Hurn, says the course is suitable for all ages.
To book a place on the mobile computer bus, phone 0800 267 7659 or visit www.boppoly.ac.nz