뉴질랜드 여행·골프/뉴질랜드 여행
[스크랩] 뉴질랜드 남섬,북섬에서 보였다는 오로라 사진 모음
2017. 4. 25. 05:23
뉴질랜드 남섬(퀸스타운, 티마루, 크라이스트처치) 그리고 북섬의 웰링턴과 심지어 오클랜드에서도 보였다는 오로라 오스트랄리스 사진입니다.
전국에서 볼 수 있었다고 하는데요.
혹시 지난 일요일에 타우랑가 밤하늘에서도 보였나요?
The bright colours of Aurora Australis have been seen throughout New Zealand Readers have shared with us their pics from across the country.
Dale Wowk captured an amazing pic of the Southern lights above Queenstown on Saturday.
PHOTO: @dalewowkphoto MIR News:
About 200 cars were at the top of the Port Hills, near Christchurch, as people went in search of a viewing point to see the Aurora on Sunday night. PHOTO: NATALIE CROWTHER
The Aurora, as viewed from Lake Ellesmere in Canterbury. PHOTO: GERALD LIM
The Milky Way and the Aurora seen from Castle Hill, Canterbury.
Quentin Jacobs captured the aurora above Queenstown.
PHOTO: @quintenjacobsphoto
The Aurora put on a dazzling display in Breaker Bay, Wellington on Sunday night.
Wellington's south coast lit up on Sunday night. PHOTO: LANS HANSEN
Red Rocks, in Wellington, was an ideal place to spot the Aurora on Sunday night. PHOTO: ALEX LOWE
Michael Baker took this from the beach just north of Timaru. PHOTO: MICHAEL BAKER
A stunning rainbow of lights was spotted from Cape Saunders on the Otago Peninsula.
The Aurora, as viewed from Lake Ellesmere in Canterbury. PHOTO: GERALD LIM
From just outside of Christchurch, Marc Bunyan snapped the Aurora. PHOTO: MARC BUNYAN
It was Dave Watson's first time taking his daughter star-gazing, and they weren't disappointed.
The aurora's rays could be seen all the way up in Auckland. PHOTO: LARRYN RAE
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