타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 학생들, 중국으로 수학여행 다녀왔어요
뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 학생들 중에 비지니스 학과목을 공부하는 학생들이 지난달에 10일간 중국 수학 여행을 다녀왔습니다.
한국 유학생 중엔 수창이도 수학 여행단의 일원으로 함께 다녀왔는데요.
상하이 공장, 비지니스 견학을 마치고 북경으로 이동, 관광과 쇼핑도 즐겼답니다.
특히, 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지에서 유학하는 중국 유학생이 이 그룹에 있어서 인솔 교사들에게 정말 큰 도움이 되었다는 소식이 학교 뉴스레터에 실려있어 옮겨옵니다.
이제 11월 10일부터 시작되는 뉴질랜드 대학 입학을 위한 NCEA 시험을 앞두고 있습니다 .
Year11- Year13 학생들은 각자 집에서 시험 준비를 하다가
해당 학과목 시험 시간에만 학교에 등교하면 됩니다.
2014 Business Studies China Trip
In the September/ October holidays, eleven students, Mr Orchard and Mrs Summerville went on a hugely successful Business Studies trip to China.!
The main focus of this trip was to see business in operation in a foreign country. The main business activities in Shanghai included visiting a car manufacturing plant, a power generation plant, a silk factory, meeting the local Marketing Manager for Comvita, visiting
the World Finance Center and of course lots of bartering at all of the market places that we visited.
Other activities in Shanghai included a river cruise, a fireworks show, an acrobatic show, a visit to the museum and urban
planning museum and a tea ceremony.
As if that wasn’t a brilliant enough trip, on day seven we boarded a bullet train and travelled at 300km per hour to visit the capital city of Beijing.
Most of the focus for Beijing was touristy so we visited the Great wall of China, gaining access via a cable car, a traditional lunch,
Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace.
A definite highlight was the shopping and all of the varied experiences.
The 10 days went by so fast and everyone was extremely grateful for the fabulous experiences.
A special thanks to our International student Shawn Liu.
He was such a great ambassador of China and New Zealand and helped us out of so many tricky situations.
China is a trip we will definitely be offering in the Business Studies department again.