타우랑가 주택 가격 전년대비 5.6% 상승해
뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 주택 가격은 7월까지 전년대비 5.6%로 상승해 평균 주택가격은 $474,570 이라고 국영 토지감정원(Quotable Value)가 밝혔다.
타우랑가 외곽 웨스턴 베이 주택 가격은 동기간내 3.2% 올라 평균 주택 가격은 $410,366로 집계됐다.
하지만 아직까지는 2007년 타우랑가 주택 가격이 최고점을 찍었을 당시보다 여전히 5.6% 낮고, 웨스턴베이는 당시보다 8.9% 낮은 가격으로 거래되고 있다.
QV 감정사인 마이리 맥도널드씨는 타우랑가 주택 매매 거래량은 줄어들었지만, 가격은 조금씩 상승하고 있다고 평가했다.
"3십5만불대의 낮은 가격대 물량이 늘어나고 있지만, 실제 거래까지는 시간이 걸리고 있다.
하지만 5십만불 이상의 고가 주택에 대한 수요는 계속 늘어나고 있는데 다른 도시에서 이주하거나 투자 목적의 구매자들이 주로 고가 주택을 구입하고 있다"고 그는 말했다.
뉴질랜드 전국의 평균 주택 가격은 지난 1년간 7.6% 오른 $479,193 이다.
Neville Falconer, franchise owner of LJ Hooker Bay of Plenty, said there was a shortage of listings in Tauranga, which was to the benefit of vendors listing their homes before the spring rush.
"I can't see any real reason why things would change dramatically. The supply should ease a bit, like it usually does in spring time," he said.
Mr Falconer said there was "healthy movement" in some price brackets, especially in the low to middle part of the market.
"A property that you could look at and get for $350,000 to $375,000 a year ago, you're looking at another $25,000 today."
Tauranga Harcourts managing director Simon Martin said low sales volumes were a trend in Tauranga that would continue.
Property values were up because of the LVR restrictions and the increasing Official Cash Rate. "We've noticed our average sale prices are a lot higher."
Realty Services chief executive Ross Stanway said a 5.6 per cent increase in values was consistent with increases in the past few months.
"Volumes were down and certainly the level of stock on the market is down, there are quite low levels of stock for sale. What is on the market is selling fairly quickly.
"It's a good time for people to put their properties on the market, because there's low stock and there are buyers out there."
Nationwide values jumped 7.6 per cent over the past 12 months to an average of $479,193.