타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 - 스키캠프 (8월 18일부터 2박3일간)
뉴질랜드 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 유학생부에서 8월18일부터 20일까지 (2박3일간) 스키캠프갑니다.
출발: 6.00am sharp from TBC Carpark Devonport Road.
참가비용: 학생들이 학교에 입학시 예치해놓은 학생 비용에서 빠지게 됩니다.
Students will pick the package they want with Mrs Roff at the ski field. Please note that the total cost will be
deducted from individual student expense accounts.
의류 준비 :
Please take at least two changes of clothing. It could be very cold and wet.
Long trousers or track suit Warm Jersey Snack food and drinks.
Warm water- proof jacket Shirts
Underwear - 3 changes Shoes 4 pairs of warm socks.
Towels (2). Pyjamas Gloves.
Shorts for hot tub Warm hat
(침구류는 숙소에서 제공됨)
점심 및 식사 준비: Homestay families please provide lunch for the students to take with them on Monday and snack food for the three days. on Monday we will stop for breakfast at Taupo. Lunches for Tuesday and Wednesday will be supplied.
타우랑가 복귀 시간 : 8월 20일 6.30-7:00pm쯤 학교 주차장으로 복귀.
TBC Carpark Devonport Road. Students will text when we are in Te Puke.
All students going on the trip must ski or snowboard. No one will be allowed to go unless skiing or
snowboarding. Students are representing TBC and their home countries – exemplary behaviour is expected at
all times. Students must follow instructions given by TBC staff, Accommodation and Ski Field staff. A safety
brief will be given before departure and at the ski field each day.
• Students are to stay within their allocated area on the ski field and stay with their group/staff
member at all times when skiing or snowboarding.
• Students will be removed from the ski area if staff expectations/rules are disregarded.
• Experienced skiers/snowboarders will only be permitted to have an ‘All Mountain Lift Pass’ for the first day.
기타 스키캠프에 관한 질문은
Mrs Roff: 578 4029 Ext 871 or 027 284 9378
Mrs Adams: 021 946 374
Mr Ormsby: 027 552 1136
Mr Mashall: 021 775 594
Pipers Ski Lodge: 07 892 2777
뉴질랜드 타우랑가 보이스 칼리지 종합 소개