타우랑가의 트리니티 밸리 승마 방학특강 접수중
April/May 2014 School
There will also be a camp for children with some experience.
The morning programme is basically for beginners or those riders with only a little experience.
Dates: 4월21일부터 24일까지 (4일간), 4월28일부터 5월1일까지 (4일간)
Times: 9:30am to 12.00pm
Price: $ 220*.
Age: 5- 12 years
☺Catching a horse/pony ☺Grooming ☺Tacking ☺Lessons ☺Washing ☺Games
☺Preparing for a horse show ☺Participating in a mock horse show
Horses will be provided or you are more than welcome to bring your own.
What to bring:
☺ Long pants ☺Plenty of water
☺A pair of closed-toe shoes ☺Medication if required
☺A sun hat/raincoat ☺Helmet (T.V.F. can supply )
중,상급자 승마 레슨
Intermediate/Advanced Clinics
Two hour clinics for intermediate/advanced riders which will be based on what you want to learn, eg jumping, western, horsemanship or dressage with Peter or, preparation for our show with Carla. Please inform Stella of your interest when you make the booking.
Dates: April: 21st – 24th
April: 28th – 1st may
Clinic fees: $220 for riders with their own horse or$240 on one of ours
If enrolled in this clinic you are welcome to come early with your lunch and help with the morning programme.
승마 캠프 Camp
Date: 26th/27th April - from 9.30am Saturday to 3pm Sunday
Fees: $180 with own horse or $200 on one of ours
The camp will only go ahead if the weather is suitable and a decision will be made the week before.
승마 쇼 Show
Date: 3rd May
Fees: Programme and cost will be advised shortly
To book a place in the programme please pay in full by 14th April, or for the camp, one week prior to start date. The 4 day programme cost of *$220 is the discounted price only if paid by that date, otherwise the cost will be $240. Payments can be made by cheque posted to 990 Omanawa Road, RD1 Tauranga 3171, or via internet banking: P Townsend, Westpac Bank: 03 1549 0130886 00.