베들레헴 칼리지 2014년, 2015년 유학생 입학 요강이 달라집니다
2014년 Year9 학년으로 입학하는 신입생들은 아이패드를 수업에 활용하는 블렌디드 학급으로 모두 편성이 될 것입니다. 현 2013년에 Year8 학년 재학생들만으로도 이미 2개의 전통적 수업교실( non-blended learning’ classes)은 꽉 찬 상태라고 합니다. 따라서 2014년에 Year9 신입생으로 이 학교에 입학하는 학생들은 아이패드를 꼭 준비해야 됩니다.
What is Blended Learning
· An approach to teaching and learning where by students bring their own digital device to use in class as a digital workbook, research tool, movie/photo capturing and editing device etc.
· Blended learning classes use the best of both worlds: digital and paper to support the learning activity.
· The focus is on learning and not the device. Therefore when and how the device is used will depend on the learning goals of each lesson and student preference to how this is learned.
· Traditional approaches to learning are supplemented and the door is opened to new and different ways to learn.
· Benefits include: increased student engagement and greater personalised learning which can lead to improvements in teaching and learning.