타우랑가 방학중 승마 교실 - 트리니티 밸리
뉴질랜드 타우랑가의 트리니티 밸리에서 열리는 방학 승마 캠프
July 2013 School
The morning programme is basically for beginners or those riders with a little experience.
(오전 승마반은 기초반 또는 승마 경험이 많지 않은 학생들을 대상으로 합니다)
Dates: 15th – 18th July , 또는 22nd – 25th July
Times: 9:30am to 12.00pm
Price: $ 200*.
Age: 5- 12 years
☺Catching a horse/pony ☺Grooming
☺Lessons ☺Washing
☺Games ☺Preparing for a horse show
☺Participating in a mock horse show
Horses will be provided or you are more than welcome to bring your own.
What to bring:
☺ Long pants ☺Plenty of water
☺A pair of closed-toe shoes ☺Medication if required
☺A sun hat/raincoat ☺Helmet (T.V.F. can supply )
중급, 고급반 수업은 오후 1시부터 (아래)
Intermediate/Advanced Clinics
Two hour clinics for intermediate/advanced riders these will be based on what you want to learn, eg jumping, western, horsemanship or dressage. Please inform Stella of your interest when you make the booking.
Dates: 15th – 18th July , 22nd – 25th July
Clinic fees: $200 for riders with their own horse. $220 on one of our horses
If enrolled in this clinic you are welcome to come early with your lunch and help with the morning programme.
Reminder: This current term’s lessons finish on 13 July
Please note change of advanced programme and times.
To book a place in the programme please pay in full by 1 July 2013. The 4 day programme cost of *$200 is the discounted price only if paid by that date, otherwise the cost will be $220. Payments can be made by cheque posted to 990 Omanawa Road, RD1 Tauranga 3171, or via internet banking: P Townsend, Westpac Bank: 03 1549 0130886 00.
* 7월1일까지 예약 및 수강료 납부할 경우에 $200 .
이후 예약할 경우 $220.
인터넷 뱅킹도 가능.