4월 방학 캠프 및 텀2 타우랑가 시티 농구 클럽 소식
뉴질랜드 타우랑가 주니어 농구 클럽의 4월 방학 프로그램
.마운트 망가누이의 ASB Arena와 메모리얼 파크 퀸엘리자베스 강당 두곳에서 열립니다.
School Holiday Camps (4월 방학 농구 캠프)
Over the coming school holidays, we have two holiday camps occurring, these are HEAPS of fun and a great way to keep kids happy and occupied! We are pleased to be able to offer camps at both ASB Arena at Bay Park AND QEYC. Please go to below link to see more information.
5월6일부터 시작되는 텀2 네이게이터 농구 클럽
Navigators Term 2
For those who’d like to tone their basketball skills and grow their knowledge of the game, TCBA Navigators Programmes offers once a week training programme. Players train alongside other aspiring players and are coached by Representative and National level coaches. Please go to below link to see more information.
12세, 13세 대표팀 구성을 위한 선발 경기
U12 & U13 Elite Season Representative Trials
For those who would like to represent Tauranga and play at elite tournaments.
The U12 programme is a “muster” where players attend and are put into all activities on calendar.
The U13 programme is a selection process, where those consider in top ten players make A team, next twelve players make B team. Players that miss out on selection are encouraged to join Navigators programme.
Please go to below link to see more information.
Rachel Gwerder
Director of Development
Tauranga City Basketball (타우랑가 시티 농구팀)
Work: 07 578 0405
Home: 07 5447169 - I often work from home office, please feel free to ring between 10.00am & 2.30pm weekdays.
Mobile: 021 874 490
Email: development@taurangacitybasketball.co.nz